The Hill: Reports that while the US Congress in recess, Congressional aides will be " ..working to ensure that the IRS controversy is teed up for them when they return. ".
Lets Get Real:
It will be interesting to hear how those in Congress think their voters feel about the IRS tax scandal, one can expect that Tea Party and Republican supporters will be up in arms and demanding that Republicans tie the scandal to the Oval. The Democrats have a big problem, the IRS is at the centre of ObamaCare, Democrats in the House and Senate will be worried that they could pay the price for ObamaCare in 2014, it can be postulated that the chances of the Democrats taking the House are a big fat 0, while the Republicans have a narrow chance of taking the Senate, they can increase the number of Republican Senators. Thus folks lets see if this IRS scandal has legs, are there any links to the White House, via email, texts, letters, phone calls, it only needs one link folks for the Oval to be in a world of hurt. Politics is a brutal business sometimes folks, even for US Presidents, one minute they are the most powerful man in the World, next they are not, the Oval either power or not, lets see if the IRS scandal can curtail the ego of the Oval under President Obama.