Monday, May 27, 2013

Obama and the IRS

The Hill: Reports that while the US Congress in recess, Congressional aides will be " ..working to ensure that the IRS controversy is teed up for them when they return. ".

Lets Get Real:

It will be interesting to hear how those in Congress think their voters feel about the IRS tax scandal, one can expect that Tea Party and Republican supporters will be up in arms and demanding that Republicans tie the scandal to the Oval.   The Democrats have a big problem, the IRS is at the centre of ObamaCare, Democrats in the House and Senate will be worried that they could pay the price for ObamaCare in 2014, it can be postulated that the chances of the Democrats taking the House are a big fat 0, while the Republicans have a narrow chance of taking the Senate, they can increase the number of Republican Senators.   Thus folks lets see if this IRS scandal has legs, are there any links to the White House, via email, texts, letters, phone calls, it only needs one link folks for the Oval to be in a world of hurt.   Politics is a brutal business sometimes folks, even for US Presidents, one minute they are the most powerful man in the World, next they are not, the Oval either power or not, lets see if the IRS scandal can curtail the ego of the Oval under President Obama. 

Paul for 2016 ?- Presidential Election 2016

CNN - Politics: Reports that Senator Rand Paul has teased his voters he might run in 2016 Presidential race.

Lets Get Real:

The election cycle in the US started the day after President Obama had his 2nd Inauguration, the Presidents 2nd term in political terms has about six months or less to get anything real and important through the Congress, thus Immigration Reform needs a push, otherwise political pressure will start to mean that those in Congress thinking about running in 2016 will start to court Republican Primary voters, and they are quite Conservative.  As for the Democrats they have a problem, ObamaCare starts to come in to force this year, and its enforced by the IRS, the very same IRS under a scandal cloud for its attack on Tea Party and Republican supporters.    The leading candidate for the Democrats is former First Lady, Senator and of late the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary has a problem, that is called LIBYA, the House Republicans will go after her for her actions the night of the murder of the US Ambassador in Libya, it looks like the White House is starting to throw Hillary Clinton under the bus, although Clinton has very high approval ratings NOW, polls go and up and down, thus folks its quite an open race in 2016 on the Republican and Democratic side, one can not wait for those match up polls, the margin of error etc, fun times   ahead folks. 

Division with EU over SYRIA - Part Two

Lets Get Real:

This is 1990s Bosnia ALL over again folks, the EU when faced with people in their thousands being killed is nowhere in sight, it wants to do nothing, at  least President Clinton lead in the end, after years of doing nothing, the EU, UN, are hot air talking shops for Countries with no respect or backbone, at least President Clinton finally lead in Bosnia and used US Air power to bring peace to Bosnia, the present President Oval in the Oval is weak and likes the sound of his voice to much to see the real world, thus his statement that the War on Terror was over, a closed mind that is dated and is back in the 1990s, the opinion of the Oval is bad on the strategic front and also worse, its bad politics, what if there is another 9/11 in the next three years, the speech will be pushed down the throat of the Oval and the Democrats will pay a political price, you do not make that kind of speech in till your few months from leaving office.  The arrogance of power with the view that your the smartest man in the room is the weakness of the Oval, lets hope others do not pay the price for the fool in the Oval, its always other who pay. 

Arming the Syrian Rebels and the EU

BBC News: Reports that the UK Government and France want the EU to ease its ARMS embargo against the Syrian Rebels.

Lets Get Real:

The UK and France should tell the EU either allow the West to arm the Syrian rebels or the arms embargo will have to come to an end, the Assad Regime is being armed by Iran and Russia, the Assad Regime has bought in Hezbollah terrorists from Lebanon, this has helped them in their fight against the rebels.  The total death toll in the Syrian Civil War has been placed between eight and hundred thousand, the rebels  are being pushed back, the lack of Western help has allowed franchised Al Qaeda groups to become the major fighters.    This in the long term does not help, Syria, Israel and the West.    The feckless Obama Administration drew a red line in the sand when it stated that if chemical weapons were used the US would ACT, the US has not acted  and the Oval of late has given the impression that it no longer sees reality by stating that the War on Terror is OVER, it takes two sides to end a WAR, not the hollow words of President Obama.   Lets arm the moderate rebels, if there are any left, lets give the people of Syria a chance at freedom.