Monday, May 27, 2013

Division with EU over SYRIA - Part Two

Lets Get Real:

This is 1990s Bosnia ALL over again folks, the EU when faced with people in their thousands being killed is nowhere in sight, it wants to do nothing, at  least President Clinton lead in the end, after years of doing nothing, the EU, UN, are hot air talking shops for Countries with no respect or backbone, at least President Clinton finally lead in Bosnia and used US Air power to bring peace to Bosnia, the present President Oval in the Oval is weak and likes the sound of his voice to much to see the real world, thus his statement that the War on Terror was over, a closed mind that is dated and is back in the 1990s, the opinion of the Oval is bad on the strategic front and also worse, its bad politics, what if there is another 9/11 in the next three years, the speech will be pushed down the throat of the Oval and the Democrats will pay a political price, you do not make that kind of speech in till your few months from leaving office.  The arrogance of power with the view that your the smartest man in the room is the weakness of the Oval, lets hope others do not pay the price for the fool in the Oval, its always other who pay. 

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