Monday, May 27, 2013

Paul for 2016 ?- Presidential Election 2016

CNN - Politics: Reports that Senator Rand Paul has teased his voters he might run in 2016 Presidential race.

Lets Get Real:

The election cycle in the US started the day after President Obama had his 2nd Inauguration, the Presidents 2nd term in political terms has about six months or less to get anything real and important through the Congress, thus Immigration Reform needs a push, otherwise political pressure will start to mean that those in Congress thinking about running in 2016 will start to court Republican Primary voters, and they are quite Conservative.  As for the Democrats they have a problem, ObamaCare starts to come in to force this year, and its enforced by the IRS, the very same IRS under a scandal cloud for its attack on Tea Party and Republican supporters.    The leading candidate for the Democrats is former First Lady, Senator and of late the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary has a problem, that is called LIBYA, the House Republicans will go after her for her actions the night of the murder of the US Ambassador in Libya, it looks like the White House is starting to throw Hillary Clinton under the bus, although Clinton has very high approval ratings NOW, polls go and up and down, thus folks its quite an open race in 2016 on the Republican and Democratic side, one can not wait for those match up polls, the margin of error etc, fun times   ahead folks. 

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