Sunday, July 28, 2024

US Blames Hezbollah for Golan Heights Attack - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The above could be a problem for VP Harris, she seems rather cool on the Israeli and USA relationship, this could cost her Jewish votes in the Swing States, while Harris has been VP, she has seen growing tensions in Universities when it comes to the Jewish State, the anger has been directed at the Biden Relationship, will be interesting to see how much freedom that Biden gives Harris to distance herself from the Biden record when it comes to Israel, on whole the a firm supporter of Israel.   A regional war breaking out before election day might suite Trump, he has become a firm supporter of Israel again, while Harris will be on a hot roof.   Politics is a hard and harsh business. 

Regional War in the Middle East ? Middle East - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

BBC News: Reports " Lebanon fears dangerous new phase in Hezbollah-Israel fighting "

Lets Get Real:

From the reporting it seems that Hezbollah launched a dud missile from Iran that hit the Golan Heights, the land was annexed by Israel in 1981.   The WAR with Hamas in Gaza is still going on, there are peace talks going on, but the recent actions by Hezbollah might mean Israel pulls out, it can be argued that Israel has to take military action Hezbollah at some point and take them out, it would not be easy, the terrorist group has been armed up to their eyeballs, it would messy and a lot of innocent people would die.  The question ISRAEL must ask itself, what happens if Iran give Hezbollah a dirty bomb, or more advance missiles or even agrees to a joint strike.  As Biden is in his last months in OFFICE, he could try for a peace deal, that would be a strong legacy, in till the next war breaks out.   Time is running out for the Middle East.