Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What went Wrong with Hillary ?

New York Times: Has a forensic look at why Hillary Clinton lost, expect a lot of these articles from now till Hillary throws in the towel.

Senator Edward Kennedy

BBC News: Reports on the illness of Senator Kennedy. Surprising it does mention Chappaquiddick, fair and balanced. Read of the Day.

Obama - Clinton Ticket ?

The Hill: Looks at how Obama supporters do not want Clinton as VP. The Campaign has hurt her with the African - American voters, also her Foreign Policy experience is not that great, thus older running mates with Foreign Policy experienced are being looked at at the present. A dream candidate would be older, tough as old boots, to the right of the Democratic Party, and wants to bomb Iran, not easy find in the modern Democratic Party.

Iran Attack ?

The Jerusalem Post: Reports that Bush Administration is planning to attack Iran before it leaves office in 2009. The White House has denied the plan, they would either way.

Iran Stratagem

The Obama Campaign has to find a way to walk him back from his comments that he will have direct talk with Iran without preconditions. He goes on about Kennedy and Reagan talking to the leaders of the USSR, but Kennedy and Reagan did not have the impression of peace nicks before their election, 1960 Kennedy attacked the Eisenhower/ Nixon Administration for the Missile Gap and Reagan attacked Carter for his failed policy with USSR after they invaded Afghanistan. If Obama is to be another Kennedy or Reagan, he will have to be practical, change policy or lose the election.

Death in Afghanistan

BBC News: Reports that another British Soldier has died in Afghanistan, the total is now 96. What is the Exit Plan?