Thursday, July 26, 2018

May's EU plan dead on arrival at the EU - Update - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

Thus the heart of the May's plan is shot down by the EU, the next question is WHAT HAPPENS NOW, can the UK and the EU get a deal before October or will the UK crash out of the EU.  The hard remainers want the UK not to get a deal, they want the UK to stay in the Customs Union and the Single Market, thus they are helping the EU with their battle for a 2nd UK vote on the issue.   The Hard Brexit Ministers in the Cabinet will have to make sure that PM May does not grant new concessions to the EU, its going to be a long Summer!!

Iran on Trump Rhetoric - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The above are the type of comments that could send POTUS over the edge, he needs a distraction, and a war with an old enemy would do the trick for his ratings and force the 24/7 news channel to cover REAL NEWS.  As stated in this blog, a WAR between Iran and the USA could start due to an accident, what if Ships from Iran attack US War ships or make a threat to the traffic of oil.  One should keep eye on the Middle East, something might just happen over the next few weeks. 

Amelia Earhart Mystery Solved

Lets Get Real:

Some mysteries should never be solved, if the article is correct it seems a sad ending for a heroic pilot.   The question is WHY no one checked the Island before the signals went down.  This blog would like to think that Amelia Earhart in the air, not stuck on some island with a wounded navigator, but thus far no remains, you never know. 

POTUS and the Press - Trump Era

BBC News: Reports " A CNN reporter has been barred from a White House event for asking Donald Trump "inappropriate" questions.  "

Lets Get Real:

POTUS sees CNN as fake news, and as the article notes will not take their questions. It can be argued that POTUS is right, CNN has gone well off the reservation when it comes to the White House and the press.   On CNN it's anti Trump 24/7, even with the non story of the tape that was released, it was nothing as far as this blogger could see.  The once mighty CNN is in the bin, it's a wing of the Democratic Party.