Sunday, October 31, 2010

Generic Mid Term Ballot - RCP Republicans 7.8% Lead

RCP: Reports on its averages of the generic polls for the 2010 Mid Term Elections, as of now the average of the polls is as follows, Republicans 49.8% and the Democrats on 42.0%, a Republican lead of 7.8%. Thus the VIEWS prediction, between 60-65 wins for the Republicans in the House, a 51 - 49 Democratic Senate, but it could be close folks, depends on how good the ground operation is in different States and Districts. Well at least we can start to think about 2012 after November 3rd. Views so far is not supporting any Republican Candidates, lets see if the Republicans can produce another Ronald Reagan.


The New York Times: Ms Dowd puts the knife in to the Obama Presidency, Dowd writes the following, “ His arrogance led him to assume: If I build it, they will understand….an unwillingness to be wrong. ”. If POTUS cant keep the LIBERAL NYT then he is heading from being the 1st Dude to ex 1st Dude, it could be that the bloated and liberal NYT can smell the coffee they don’t want to be stuck with a loser, expect more favourable articles about Secretary Hillary Clinton, they might even push her to run in 2012, they don’t want a Republican President, and what would be worse a woman Republican President from Alaska. How the mighty have fallen, the Oval needs a Nancy Reagan, any one that can bring Obama to reality.

Democrats OPPOSE POTUS in 2012

Mail on Sunday: Reports that 47% of Democrats want POTUS challenged from within the Democratic Party. Lets recall that both in 1976 and 1980 sitting US Presidents faced a hard challenge from within their own Parties, President Ford faced Ronald Reagan and President faced Senator Edward M. Kennedy, after winning the nominations both Presidents lost to the opposing Party. Also it should be recalled that Senator Kennedy was pushed to run by those on the Hill who didn’t want to lose their Seats, if the Obama poll ratings are bad in 2012 expect a more centre candidate to challenge Obama, if a challenger can win Iowa and New Hampshire Obama might be forced out, LBJ won in NH in 68 but it was hollow victory thus his refusal to run in 1968. It call comes down the economy folks, in 1984 Reagan had an economic boom, thus he beat Walter Mondale by 49 States to 1, also Clinton after losing the Congress in 1994 moved to the centre and won in 1996. Its early folks but the 2012 race starts on the November 3rd, that’s the fun of US politics is always an election period.

Gingers United vs. Labour

Guardian: Reports on the personal attack by the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party Harriet Harman on Danny Alexander a Treasury Minister and a Liberal Democrat, Ms Harman called Mr Alexander a Ginger Rodent. Ms PC herself has gotten her knickers in right twist, how can you have a grown up conversation with the Labour Party when they go in for personal attacks, all Gingers should be up in arms, this anti Ginger attack shows that Gingers face discrimination from the Elites, from nicknames to attacks by a Labour Leader, let the Labour Party censure Ms PC Harman, lets see Labour MAN UP to the Elite who attack individuals based on their hair colour, what next their skin colour?, WE ARE NOT AMUSED!!

The REAL World and the Mid Term Elections

Telegraph: Reports on the problems facing President Obama in the 2010 Mid Term Elections, the article states the following, “ …Democrats are denying links to Obama, running away from their votes for health care reform and conveniently leaving their party affiliation off their election literature…”. Thus what will November 3rd look like for the Oval, well one can predict that the Oval will face a Republican House, it would not surprise this blog if the Republicans take between 60 and 65 Seats in the House, also depends on the wave in the Senate, the Republicans could try and persuade the Conservative Senators that the best way to keep their Seats is to move to the Republicans, do they want to defend ObamaCare in their Conservative States. The Oval will have to learn to be pragmatic, just like Reagan and Clinton the Obama Oval will have to cut deals or the Hill will be frozen after November 3rd. The question is can President Obama move to the centre, does have the flexibility to understand the result, or will he state that he just needs to explain health care one more time to thick Americans. Thus still keeping to my early prediction that Obama wont run in 2012 or will lose by 49 States, in many respects Obama echoes LBJ, he liked to be loved and when that love by the voter went he went in March 1968. Does Obama have the inner dude to change, or is so left he cant see beyond his own press statements.

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier was killed on Saturday in Afghanistan, the Soldier was from the “ 101 (City of London ) Engineer Regiment (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) serving with the Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Task Force ”. Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 342 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 302 in combat operations and 40 due to illness, accidents or other incidents.