Sunday, October 31, 2010

Democrats OPPOSE POTUS in 2012

Mail on Sunday: Reports that 47% of Democrats want POTUS challenged from within the Democratic Party. Lets recall that both in 1976 and 1980 sitting US Presidents faced a hard challenge from within their own Parties, President Ford faced Ronald Reagan and President faced Senator Edward M. Kennedy, after winning the nominations both Presidents lost to the opposing Party. Also it should be recalled that Senator Kennedy was pushed to run by those on the Hill who didn’t want to lose their Seats, if the Obama poll ratings are bad in 2012 expect a more centre candidate to challenge Obama, if a challenger can win Iowa and New Hampshire Obama might be forced out, LBJ won in NH in 68 but it was hollow victory thus his refusal to run in 1968. It call comes down the economy folks, in 1984 Reagan had an economic boom, thus he beat Walter Mondale by 49 States to 1, also Clinton after losing the Congress in 1994 moved to the centre and won in 1996. Its early folks but the 2012 race starts on the November 3rd, that’s the fun of US politics is always an election period.

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