Friday, January 27, 2017

The US and the UK Special Relationship - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The cool relationship between the US and the UK is now over, the Obama Administration looked to Germany to provide leadership, while the new Trump Administration look to an old ally.  The German policy of allowing in a million refugees is counter to the Trump Policy of restrictions on muslim nations who have a terror history.  One can argue that Germany has paid a heavy price for its charity.   The extreme right has grown in Germany, that is something no wants to see again.  After Brexit is declared the UK can start to have talks under the table with other Countries, the first on the list will be the US.   The elite left in the UK will try to block Brexit, let us hope we are not let down by our leadership. 

The Guardian Review of Press Conference between Trump and May - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

For the Guardian this is praise for President Trump, let's be honest the elite media hate Trump, they are the official opposition for Trump, the BBC question was what you would expect from the BBC/Guardian type, a long question with negatives towards Trump and managed to bring up abortion in the US, in what way was that a concern for the UK watcher. Overall the President showed he was moderate and could be diplomatic, another good day for Trump.   On the British side the President was a firm supporter of Brexit, and thus we should get a good deal out of the Oval Office. 

Trump and NATO - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The Baltic States and Eastern European States will be happy that President Trump reaffirmed support for NATO, the problem is that President Trump has been known to change his mind, and should Russian under Putin place pressure on the Baltic States and Eastern Europe will Trump as the leader of the Western World come to their defence.   As the President stated in his first speech, it's America First, he does not want to do nation building or enter Wars like Iraq.   The Russians will be watching and waiting to put Trump to the test, or it will be Daesh, either attacks in Middle East or Europe/America, every Administration is tested, lets see how Trump reacts. 

President Trump holds a Press Conference with PM May of the UK - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

This was a good press conference for PM May and President Trump, the President was supportive of Brexit and of the Special Relationship between the US and the UK.  There seems a good personal relationship between the two leaders.  Let us see how it develops.