Sunday, December 12, 2021

New Tensions on the Ukraine and Russia Border - Update - Biden/Putin Era

Lets Get Real:

Ever since the CRIMEA, the World has been a NEW COLD WAR 2, Putin by his actions and words has shown that the ruthless dictator, who kills his opposition or places them in jail on fake charges, the fake news of Russia has already stated that the Ukraine IS a THREAT TO RUSSIA, that is so false as to be funny, but we are dealing with serious actors when it comes to the Putin Regime.  The West, in this case the US and NATO Allies have one chance to prevent a regional war in Eastern Europe, they must place NATO TROOPS in the Ukraine and say to the Russians, this and no further.  If not that the US and the UK must give the Ukraine military equipment that allows the Ukraine Forces the ability to slow down the Russian progress in the Ukraine.  The West has to make RUSSIA bleed on the battle field and also when it comes to economics, bring Russia to its knees fast.

Massive consequences if Russia invades the Ukraine - G7

Lets Get Real:

One can postulate that President Putin will laugh this off, as stated, HE and RUSSIA are already under sanction, the G7 was formally the G8 before Putin was thrown OUT over the Crimea invasion.  The only thing that Putin and Russia understands is STRENGH, and POTUS and the West has shown GREAT WEAKNESS when faced with Putin.  If the West was really serious it would draw a red line in the Ukraine and place NATO COMBAT TROOPS on the ground, this would warn off the Russians, but no feeble sanctions are the only threat to Russia.  The Russian people will be hurt but it can be postulated that they will support THEIR President against the West, they have been forced feet lies from print to TV and social media.  Putin is not stupid, the question is can he cover up body bags coming back from the Ukraine, a invasion of the Ukraine will be hard to hide even in Russia.  If only Biden was JFK or Reagan, this would not happen, fear goes a long way with the Russians.