Thursday, October 01, 2020

Sabre rattling with WORDS - Brexit Update 1 - Transitional Phase

Lets Get Real:

Thus we have two tracks, we have the trade talks in Brussels and then we have the above, the EU has promised this for weeks, it can be seen as sabre rattling, trying to show it is strong.  On the trade talks the PM has given a deadline of the 15th of October, so far there is no talk of extending this deadline, in less the talks have progressed.  If the EU is still being stubborn the UK should walk out and blame the EU.  It depends how far Germany will allow Paris to demand the same fish level it has now in the Channel.   If Berlin can not get Paris to back down, then we have a problem, the UK has given a concession, it has talked and tabled a phased reduction of EU States in the Channel, it is very symbolic for the UK, if the France does not allow the EU to back down then we have a  NO DEAL BREXIT.   There is talk of the talks going on in till November, this would be a mistake, the UK has set a deadline, it should resolve any problems with the EU or just walk away.

POTUS after the 1st Debate - US Presidential Debate

Lets Get Real:

It is best to think about a debate after getting a  goodnight sleep and then make a judgement, the debate itself was a horror show or as a CNN reporter called it a Sh*t show.  POTUS attacked Biden from the start and that lasted for 90 minutes and Biden made a mistake by calling POTUS a clown, he might be a clown, but he is still President of the United States, and Biden told Trump to shup up, hardly Presidential.  All Biden had to to was not fall on the stage and finish a sentence, he did that, the bar was that low, but it was noticed by this blog that Biden got tired over the 90 minutes and his vocab was late 1960s.   On the whole the arch liberal press has supported Biden, as expected and gone after every mistake by Trump, while not following up on the question that the moderator asked Biden, would he try to place Democratic Judges on the Supreme Court to counter its right wing tilt of the Court.  Thus far this blog cannot see Biden losing, its for him to lose it.