Saturday, May 12, 2007

Iraq Weekend Articles

Plan B for Iraq, Plan B means going dirty, supporting one side against another, but if Plan A fails then the Administration will have no choice, as the articles states it is better winning than losing.

Art of War
, looking at the political and military prospects in Iraq. How the the Top Brass have became politicians and how the grunts on the ground want to win. That's the problem when you think fighting a war is all about technology not hard tough combat. Vietnam has a lot to answer for in many respects. Winning is all, and it does not matter how hard or tough you have to be to win. VIEWS would agree with that up to point, there has to be a difference or what is the point. But that is just a matter of degree.

Articles from the Weekend

Here are some interesting articles from the weekend that caught the attention of VIEWS:

The New Yorker, a article on the buzz caused by the book by George Tenet.