Thursday, July 11, 2013

NYT and Immigration Reform - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real: 

The start of above is accurate folks, the Republicans in 2017 need to get more Hispanic voters, but the next election in the cycle is the 2014 Mid Term folks, that is a base vote, and the base of the Republican Party does not want amnesty, it could be argued that the Republicans should slow walk the reform, very slow, only produce elements that have the support of the majority of House Republicans and the base.   Where the above NYT line goes wrong is the failure to mention that Democrats have safe seats, thus they tend to be VERY LIBERAL, thus you had Speak Pelosi, but that was a exception folks, since 1994 the Democrats have only held the House in two election cycles, and that was down to Iraq and the meltdown of the banks, after ObamaCare the House returned to the Republicans, these voters want to BLOCK the Obama Agenda.  Thus Speaker Boehner should get through the 2014 Mid Terms, see how many troops he has and then go for a deal, in time for the 2017 election.   One election at a time folks, ALL that matters in 2014 Mid Terms, politics is local folks. 

Immigration Reform and the Republican House - 2nd Term Blues

CNN - Politics: Reports that the Republican Leaders in the House will, " refuse to hold a vote on a Senate version that passed with bipartisan support ".

Lets Get Real:

If the Republican House wants Immigration Reform it should develop a Republican version, make sure the borders are secured first, then that all illegals in the US must register before a set date, all illegals bought in to the US before they were 18 should not be blamed if they were taken over the border by relatives, they should have a path way to legal status and US Citizenship if they have a good school record, have paid taxes, or have public service, such as in the Army or the Police.   Those illegals  in the US who came to the US when over the age of 18 should get legal status as long as they have paid taxes, have a job, have not broken the law, or have served in the public sector.   The reform should be a Republican reform, and it should be done fast, lets get this issue off the table. 

Is Immigration Reform DEAD ? - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

The Republicans should be crafty, they should agree to the Senate Bill, 100% of it, but, and there is always a BUT folks, as the price, ObamaCare has to go on ice in till signed in law again by the new US President on 20th January 2017.   Either way the Republicans WIN, if Obama agrees then he gets immigration reform and the Republicans get rid of ObamaCare, if the Oval says NO, then it will be seen that the ego of Oval is more important that a real immigration deal, this would be a perfect and crafty Chicago move folks, it would be down to the Oval, no Democrat is going to run in 2017 on agreeing to the mess that is ObamaCare, thus the Republicans WIN.  Lets hope the Republican House can be that crafty, the ego of the Oval could not take such a move, it would be perfect folks. 

The US and Egypt - Crisis in Egypt

BBC News: Reports that the US will deliver four F- 16 Fighters to Egypt, this is part of a deal for 20. 

Lets Get Real:

This shows what the Oval thinks of President Morsi, the US can not afford not to give military support to the new Government, the Morsi Government was taking Egypt down the Islamic path, this would have been a threat to Egypt as a whole and to Israel.   The military support to Egypt is part of the Camp David Peace Agreement, any revoking of that would play in to the hands of the Islamic extremists who hate Israel.  In this Egypt Crisis, the Oval has been very smart, not saying much, not using the term coup, just allowing events to play out, lets see if it works folks.   The current of the Middle East on the whole tends to be negative for US Presidents, even the greats, and that does not include Carter.