The New York Times: Reports the following on Immigration Reform and its chances in the House, " House Republicans find themselves in a difficult spot on immigration, caught between the needs of the national party to broaden its appeal to Hispanics, and the views of constituents in gerrymandered, largely safe conservative districts. ".
Lets Get Real:
The start of above is accurate folks, the Republicans in 2017 need to get more Hispanic voters, but the next election in the cycle is the 2014 Mid Term folks, that is a base vote, and the base of the Republican Party does not want amnesty, it could be argued that the Republicans should slow walk the reform, very slow, only produce elements that have the support of the majority of House Republicans and the base. Where the above NYT line goes wrong is the failure to mention that Democrats have safe seats, thus they tend to be VERY LIBERAL, thus you had Speak Pelosi, but that was a exception folks, since 1994 the Democrats have only held the House in two election cycles, and that was down to Iraq and the meltdown of the banks, after ObamaCare the House returned to the Republicans, these voters want to BLOCK the Obama Agenda. Thus Speaker Boehner should get through the 2014 Mid Terms, see how many troops he has and then go for a deal, in time for the 2017 election. One election at a time folks, ALL that matters in 2014 Mid Terms, politics is local folks.