Monday, June 12, 2023

The Ukraine Offensive Update - Ukraine - Russia War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

It will taken weeks and months to see if the Ukraine offensive has been successful, the retaking of seven villages is good, one question if anyone is still there, also the Russians have shown how ruthless they can be by destroying a Dam, that effect of that will also take days and weeks to see.  One assumes the US Defence Department and the UK's MOD are helping the Kyiv Government with intelligence on the weak points in the Russian defensive line.  Thus the NSA and the UK's GCHQ will be listening to the Russians, just in case they go nuclear out of fear of losing the War.  Putin Kremlin has shown it does not care about the people of the Ukraine by its WAR CRIMES, but also not care about the Russians who will suffer due the Dam being destroyed.   This could be1918 when the Allies offensive forced the Germans to sue for peace, of course then the US was in the War, will US military kit have the same results, we shall see in the future. 

Trump Flies to Florida for his Day in Court - 2024 candidate/ Presidential Election

Lets Get Real:

This blog has no time for former President Trump, he is guilty as sin, he has placed national security of the US and Allies at risk.  That is not the point, if President Biden was a grown up and not gaga, he would offer Trump a Presidential Pardon as long as he keeps out of the 2024 Presidential Election, that means folding his campaign, but the Biden Oval will not do that, he needs Trump to be in the race, as it keeps him from a nomination fight.   If Trump was to withdraw there are many Democrats and Americans who would Biden to stand down.  Neither candidate is wanted by the majority of the American people.   The US political system is so corrupted, that in 2024 it could be Trump vs Biden again, no one wants that, this blog is only supporting Biden because of his policy on Ukraine, a 2nd Trump OVAL would be a disaster for US national security and the West.  

The Court hearing on Tuesday could see more reporters there compared to protesters in support of Trump.  If Trump protesters have to protest then it should be done in a PEACEFUL way.  The liberal media really want there to be violence, it would confirm their agenda on Trump, CNN would cover it for hours on end! So if you support Trump, then be peaceful, obey the law and show the liberal press that Trump protesters are more clever than they report or expect.