Monday, October 24, 2016

The LIMBO before HRC becomes President - Elect - HRC Era

Lets Get Real:

This blog called the election ages ago, the press can now move on from the election and look at what the first HRC term will look like, the domestic and foreign policy problems that the new President will face in January.   On the domestic front we have ObamaCare falling apart, the OVAL will need the new Congress to reform the Act, then we come to the international field, HRC will have to be tough with Russia and Putin, the US could enforce a new no fly zone in Syria, also Putin might try something between the election and the new Administration taking over in January, thus lets hope NATO is on alert.    It  will not be boring, that is for sure.

The New Cold War 11 - The Putin Era

Lets Get Real:

It is nice to see that the uber left wing Guardian has noticed we are in a new cold war 11, the Putin era in Russia is an attempt to create a Greater Russia from the ashes of the USSR.  Thus the takeover of parts of Georgia, then 100% in Crimea, the battle for East Ukraine and supporting the Assad Regime in Syria.   The Western Countries have been let down by the Obama Administration.   In the eight years of Obama we have seen the appeasement of Iran, the lack of action over Russian action, while Obama took rhetoric to debate Russia, the Moscow came back with old fashioned cannon.   The new US Administration needs to be tough with Russia, it has to push back hard, not just with rhetoric but with firm action.   The Russian bear needs its claws pulled, and it does not matter if its asleep or awake.