Washington Post: Reports the latest news on the attempts to fix the ObamaCare website, " Software problems with the federal online health insurance marketplace, especially in handling high volumes, are proving so stubborn that the system is unlikely to work fully by the end of the month as the White House has promised.. ".
Lets Get Real:
This is a wake up call for House and Senate Democrats, you have to ask yourself is the Oval even telling you the truth about the website, does the Oval even understand the problems with fixing a botched website, this blog has its doubts. It is time for Democrats to CYA in other words pass a Democratic Bill or support a Republican move to allow those Americans who have had their health plan cancelled to renew it, this would gut ObamaCare, as the scheme needs young and healthy Americans to pay over the odds as to support the poor. If this does not happen the scheme fails, because there will be no funding, so either Democrats get re - elected by helping their voters or they lose and still you have a funding problem. In many respects not that hard a choice. So Dems, think of your voter at home, will they support you if you do protect them from ObamaCare.