Wednesday, November 13, 2013

ObamaCare Website will NOT be FIXED by November 30th

Lets Get Real:

This is a wake up call for House and Senate Democrats, you have to ask yourself is the Oval even telling you the truth about the website, does the Oval even understand the problems with fixing a botched website, this blog has its doubts.   It is time for Democrats to CYA in other words pass a Democratic Bill or support a Republican move to allow those Americans who have had their health plan cancelled to renew it, this would gut ObamaCare, as the scheme needs young and healthy Americans to pay over the odds as to support the poor.    If this does not happen the scheme fails, because there will be no funding, so either Democrats get re - elected by helping their voters or they lose and still you have a funding problem.  In many respects not that hard a choice.   So Dems, think of your voter at home, will they support you if you do protect them from ObamaCare. 

Fix the Cancelled Health Planes or ELSE! = Oval - Democrats

Lets Get Real: 

All politics is local as a famous Democrat once said, well the Democrats on Capital Hill are getting an earful from their voters, and we have the Mid Terms coming up next year, the Democrats might face a ugly choice, either gut ObamaCare or go down on the S.S Obama/Titanic, the majority if it comes down to it will sink the Oval, they face re-elections in the House and Senate, and the former Democratic President, Bill Clinton has in essence given them the green light to bail, of course for the Clintons it is about 2016.  One idea that has been floated is for the Administration to pay for those that have had their plans cancelled, this would need Congressional approval, the Republican House will not pay one dime more for ObamaCare, thus the Oval and the Democrats are in a BIG FIX, someone is going to lose, either the Oval or Hill Democrats, depends who breaks first.  That is the fun of politics.