Saturday, August 30, 2008

Weekend Polls

Lets see what the Polls have for the US Presidential Election.

Gallup: Senator Obama had a good convention, he gained a eight point bounce from the convention. The Gallup Tracking Poll found the following result, Obama 49% - McCain 41%. This was a good bounce, but lets see the Polls after the selection of Governor of Alaska has settled in and also the Republican Convention. If Obama can keep that bounce after the Democratic Convention and in to the debates he had a good chance of winning in November. Lets just wait till after the RNC to see what the polls are like for the candidates.
Reports that Obama has had a four point bounce from the Convention, the poll finds the following, Obama 49% - McCain 45%. This bounce is not great and if the Republicans have a good Convention then the race could be back to even. In a even race, McCain wins.

In the West Wing Season 7, the Republican Candidate had the lead coming out of the Convention and he lost, could the same fate happen to Obama.

Democrats and Women

New York Post: The Democrat Kirsten Powers looks at the negative view of the Obama Camp to the selection of the Governor of Alaska as the VP to McCain. The Democrats don't need to recall to women voters there bad treatment of Hillary Clinton, could cost them votes in November.

Politics and Time

BBC News: Reports on the reaction to the McCain news that his VP would be a woman, the Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin. That is the fun of politics, the elite media was all over the Obama Speech and the next day it was Obama Who?. Politics is ruthless and brutal, your either in or out, Obama has been around for some time, the Elite Media need new people to cover thus on the whole some good coverage for Palin even from the Liberal Elite Media. I have noticed that the surrogates for the Obama Camp have go their knickers in the twist, they don't know how to attack Palin, it been fun seeing them attacker her for lack of record while Obama has the same problem, she is the VP nominee not the Presidential Nominee.