Tuesday, July 11, 2017

NYT Goes After Donald Junior - Post Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Donald Trump Junior has made himself a target, the uber liberal NYT will go after any Trump, they see it as a way to get to President Trump.   The uber liberal left has still not gotten over the fact that Hillary Clinton lost in 2016, when ALL the polls suggested she would win. The Republicans should tell the Donald to throw in the towel, retire with some grace and allow VP Pence to take over, in a few years time there might be a chance for Trump to be Ambassador where he likes, but only if he has the grace to get out before the Sheriff comes along with Jail time. 

The Trump Russian Scandal - Part 2 - Post Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Even reality shows end, thus President Trump should consider the interests of the Country, if he were to retire due to health grounds, it can be postulated that the US Congress will end its investigations of the Trumps and the Russians.   IF need be President Pence could grant a pardon to the Trump family.   Otherwise we will have years of investigations, very much like Watergate, does the Trump want that kind of spotlight, it should be noted that Nixon gained some credit after his resignation, it took a few years but at the end he was seen as  elder Statesman, Nixon new foreign policy, whatever his faults.   The Donald could go back to building Hotels other such buildings, he is rich enough to be well off, and the US voter likes someone who comes back after a fall. 

The SMOKING GUN, the Trumps and the Russians - Post Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

This blog is calling for the resignation of President Donald Trump, any time the Russians are supporting your campaign shows that Putin sees Trump as a roll over and weak.  If Donald Junior was told that the Russians had negative information on HRC, this blog finds it hard to fathom that Trump senior was not told.   What the Trump Campaign did might not be illegal, we shall leave that up to the lawyers, but VERY fact that Putin supported Trump shows that Trump is not fit to be President.   Thus far the VP has not been implicated, Pence Presidency might not be that far away.   The US Congress should investigate this affair, find the truth, and if Trump is at fault the Republicans have to tell him to go, the security of the US comes first. 

The EU can get Stuffed - Post EU Vote

Lets Get Real:

The UK should not pay a farthing to the EU, the EU has cost the UK billions over the years.    The Remainers are bending the knee to the EU, they treat the EU has a sovereign body, in fact its a club for rich civil servants to get fat pensions from the citizens of the EU.   Even if the EU demands a small exit fee the UK should say NO, NO again, we did not save Europe in World War 2 to give them billions of the back of the UK taxpayer.    The UK Government has to be firm, NO to Europe.   The EU should ask the Irish or the Greeks to bail them out, the IRISH have had billions from the EU and want a open border with the UK and the Greeks just pay for the mistakes of their Governments, not that smart.   Again NO, the UK must be firm and resolute.