Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Obama and Business - Obama Advert

Lets Get Real:

This advert shows that POTUS knows that he made a great political gaffe by stating that individuals do not build a business. Simple question folks, which Obama statement do you believe, when he is says what he thinks in a speech or this advert.

Greece and the EU

Guardian: Reports on the reaction of the Troika; EU/IMF/ECB; on their latest visit to Greece, the article notes the following, " ..warned that Greece had failed to keep to the deficit reduction plan agreed earlier this year. ".

Lets Get Real:

The Germans see Greece as a toilet for THEIR money, an endless flushing of German tax payer money down the toilet. The Greeks will NEVER reform, in their heart of hearts they think that the Germans will always bail them out, if it was only Greece they might have a point, but Spain and Italy are on the horizon, at the end of the day Greece can be chopped off, it will be painful but the EU will go on, if Spain and Italy fall its over, the Germans might need all their spare cash to save these two Countries, and folks we are talking in the trillions here, not just billions, the Greeks have become a cancerous pest on the body of the Euro, its time to cut them off, the EU has tried to save them, but it can not be done, just will not happen, Greece is set for a depression that will last for years if not decades, that is just the TRUTH. Time to move on and deal with the Spain and Italy, you lose some battles in a War, the War is Spain and Italy.

Syrian Crisis - Syrian Update

Telegraph: Reports that Syrian rebels have stated that the Assad Regime has moved its WMD'S to airports on the borders of Syria.

Lets Get Real:

If true this is a troubling development folks, one can assume that the Israeli Mossad, the US CIA and the UK's MI6 will be looking very careful at the actions of the Assad Regime, should the Regime be trying to send these weapons to its terrorists allies then Israel would have to take action, this would be a mortal threat to Israel. Of course the information is coming from the rebels, thus has to be suspect, they might be wanting the West to take action as they took in Libya. The rebels might want the West to enforce a No Fly Zone as to prevent air attacks from the Assad Regime, that is what this blog would do if in their position. Thus lets hope the Western intelligence networks have their eye and ears open, in other words, people on the ground and listening to internal Syrian government communication. Israel and the West can not afford to be wrong when it comes to Syria.

Spanish Update - Eurozone Crisis

BBC News: Reports that the cost of Spanish bonds reached 7.57% today, a new high.

Lets Get Real:

Folks if this blog had the money it would bet against Spain, it has the debt from the banks, its has the debts from the regional government, its has the tough and harsh austerity package of the central Government. In other words Spain is going down, it will join the PIGS in getting a bailout, the next to fall will be Italy. The Market is making it clear that the Spanish Government is not realistic when it comes to the economic future of Spain, they are in denial about the TRUTH, Spain is in the toilet, the expected Greek exit after August could be the final push for Spain and Italy to take a bailout, it has to be done soon or they could take the Euro down, even the EU could come under threat. This blog expects a bad week on the Markets folks, Spain has a economic target on its head, someone somewhere will be making money at the expense of Spain, that is the real world folks.