Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Iowa and 2008

An interesting article in the Washington Post on the Presidential Campaign of Hillary Clinton.

NYT Article On Clinton

The book that wants to cause problems for Hillary Clinton, read an interesting article by the authors, make your own mind up.

Death in Iraq

On American Memorial Day our Remembrance Day, the USA has lost 10 Soldiers, they died fighting for freedom, there is no more Noble Aim.

Iraq Report

As a policy VIEWS tends to read important documents, tax, jobs, going to war, no sorry VIEWS puts his hands up, has not read a Secret National Intelligence Estimate about Iraq. I am sure if I was bored not running for President and my country was going to war I might get around to reading such a document. They make paper from trees!!, sure all good Democrats read such a document before voting for WAR. Of course not don't be silly this is American Politics, Hillary Clinton had more pressing issues, running for President.

The Left and Hillary Clinton

Senator Hillary Clinton is having problems, the Left don't trust her after Iraq. The Senator has moved to the left but the left does not want or trust her. The Huffington Post has a very interesting review of a book on the Senator. The book is quite negative on her record on Iraq. Senator Clinton has made a political mistake, she should have stood firm on Iraq, then she would have been seen as a tough and Independent of the Democratic Party. In a General Election the left is not the Majority in the United States, if the Senator moves to far to the left then the Republicans can paint her as liberal, weak on national security and having stated views on both sides of the issues when it comes to Iraq, aka Kerry in 2004. Is Bill Clinton really running her campaign, does he want her to win?