Telegraph: Reports " Russia starts bailing out banks as economy faces 'full-blown economic crisis'..The Central Bank of Russia has said it will provide £343m of support to one of the country's more troubled banks, as analysts warn of a wave of defaults in the sector "
Lets Get Real:
The oil only approach of President Putin and his failure with the relationship with the West are the two faults that could bring down President Putin. The fall in the oil price has hurt Russia, and there economy centred on Oil means that there is nothing of a secondary market cope with the economic decline. This should be a warning to the Oil States, you need a broad economy that can take the shock of low oil prices. A Country needs a Industrial or IT policy to cover any flaws in the budget. The sanctions that Russia faces is due to the offensive policy of President Putin, he wants a Greater Russia, that means the old USSR. The West should make Russia bleed its roubles and Western currency as way to bring Putin to a more Western view, that means he losses and and the West wins.