BBC News: Reports on the following remarks by the PM, " Speaking from Downing Street, the prime minister criticised the actions of MPs, saying it was "high time" politicians made a decision on the next steps. "
Lets Get Real:
One does not see the point of this statement by the PM, there was nothing new in it, everyone who follows this story or those that just look sometimes knew that the EXIT FOR BREXIT had been changed this morning. The PM should have taken the bull by the horns and suspended Parliament and then allowed the UK to leave on the original date of the 29.3.2019. The voter will know NOT trust the PM, she states that she will not allow the 30 of June to be extended, well I would not take that to the bank, also we have MPs who as still holding on to their hard positions. One can only hope that France puts us out of our misery and says NO to an extension, that would end it, the Hard Brexit MPs would get what they want and the HARD REMAINERS would have to shut up. Otherwise the MV3 faces another defeat and the HARD REMAINERS forcing another Brexit vote, democracy is really DEAD in the UK. When the votes of 17.4 million people is thrown down the toilet, one knows that the elite are in control, and one's vote does not matter. THIS BLOG WILL NO LONGER BE VOTING. When one hopes rest with France, one is in TROUBLE.