Wednesday, March 20, 2019

If the Withdrawal Agreement is Passed, What about the next Stage - Brexit Update 3 - NO BREXIT

Lets Get Real:

This might be the solution to get Labour MPs to support the May Withdrawal Agreement, the UK would be out of the EU on June 30th, while the House of Commons as they say in poker would have a buy in, this hard brexit supporter can not see a problem. Of course the problem is in the details, that always causes problems. The EU has made it CLEAR, in less your are NUTS, and that includes HARD REMAINERS AND HARD BREXIT MPs that they want this issue finished with before the Euro Parliamentary Elections, otherwise it will become a FLASH POINT for the elections, the EU it will be argued is OUT OF TOUCH with the voters and is run by the Elites. One does wonder why the PM wants to see the Opposition leaders, could to make them understand, its her DEAL or the HIGHWAY, no others options, or is she going to say she will resign after her deal goes through. UK politics has never been more interesting.

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