Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Innocents Killed in USA Air Strike in Afghanistan ?

The New York Times: Reports that a large number of innocent civilians have been killed in Afghanistan due to Air Strike by the USA. At present there are no real accurate number of the deaths, it seems there is a disagreement about those killed, from a few to a hundred and thirty. Thus it is better to wait in till we get real information to clear up this case. It is odd but Liberals seem quite happy to use drones or Air Planes to attack suspected terrorists but throw their hands in the air when it comes to waterboarding. It is intellectual double stands that falls apart under real pressure. In other words Liberals support this strategy by Obama but cant admit that the waterboarding did not cost the death of terrorists. Let be honest here, I don't have a problem with smart strategy but we have to win the hearts of the good people of Afghanistan, assuming that one hundred and thirty died today is not a good move on the personal or political level. We cant win Afghanistan if we have to be there by killing all the people. They do have the right to live in peace also. Lets have quick and investigation of this tragic event, lets be smart but lets not rush to judgements, let get the facts as old TV Cop used to say, then lets have clear opinions on the event if it happened and if the death toll is high.

Israel vs Obama Administration

Guardian: Reports that the Israeli lobby is on course to challenge the Obama Administration when it comes to its on policy on the Middle East. In pure political terms Obama will not win this debate, he is not Nixon and he cant go Iran before his re-election run in 2012. The Israeli Lobby is very powerful in American Politics and in Democratic Politics it is very powerful. Lets recall that there are a lot of older Americans who live in Florida, they also happen to be Jewish. If Obama is seen as selling Israel out he will have major problems in 2012 in Florida, also his willingness to talk to Cuba could cost him Cuban - American votes. There are only so many pressure groups and lobby groups you can lose before you become a loser in Presidential Politics. Also Obama might need Israel to do the dirty deed when it comes to Iran, in other words Obama might find he trapped by his own words, just look at his roll back of the torture memos. Obama is no political fool, the Liberal left wing might want to go over the cliff, but Obama I think still wants a second term, no second term all his agenda could be thrown out of the window by the next Administration.

Taliban take Swat Valley Main City - Mingora

The Times: Reports that the Taliban/Terrorists have taken the main city of the Swat Valley, Mingora, also Pakistan could be facing a refuges nightmare, in total over a million people could be on the move. This could be very interesting, can the Army of Pakistan retake the city, can the Taliban hold their gains. If the Army fails to retake the city, we are looking at a nightmare in Pakistan. The failure to retake the city would mean that the Army of Pakistan is to weak to take on the Taliban. If the Taliban can keep Mingora it means that have had the time to build up their forces in the region. After the Appeasement deal between the Islamabad and the Taliban over the Swat Valley, the Taliban could have built up their forces in the Swat Valley. This battle could decide the future of Pakistan folks.

Afpak Policy

CNN News: Reports on the meeting between the President Obama and the Presidents of Pakistan and Afghanistan. It could be argued that the USA has two Diem's on its hands, weak leaders, who are split between keeping the support of the USA and keeping their Conservative Base happy. Neither Afghanistan or Pakistan are San Francisco Liberals. In some respects they face the problems faced by new Government in Russia after 1917, they had to have Western support but the people wanted to end the War. Something had to give, it was the Government and the World had to put up with the USSR from 1917 - 1991. Thus Obama has to be careful in how much he pushes these weak Presidents. At the end of the day, both nations might need a strong man as leader, Democracy might have to wait in the long term.

Half Million Refuges in Pakistan

Fox News: Reports that an expected half million refuges are expected from the fighting between the Army of Pakistan and the Taliban/Terrorists. This is bad but who is going to check if the refuges are really refuges, what if the Taliban/Terrorists hide in with the innocent. Thus they could get out of the fighting and take the fight to other areas of Pakistan. Thus the refuges nightmare has two levels, they have to be feed and kept safe but also they have to be checked to see if there are any Taliban in their ranks. Also lets get to the political reality folks, what happens after the Presidents of Pakistan, Afghanistan and the USA meet in Washington D.C. Will the Army Pakistan carry on the fighting, can they hold the ground they take, is this Iraq all over again, Pakistan wins the ground but can not secure the land, they retreat and the Taliban come back and we here again in six months time. The Government and Army of Pakistan have to understand that India is not their main enemy, the enemy is within their own ranks. What is the ISI, Pakistan Intelligence Agency doing, is it sill supporting the Taliban or are they following the orders of the Government. This is not over folks.

No Witch Hunt over Torture Memos

The New York Times: Reports that the Lawyers behind the Bush 43 Torture memos will not be prosecuted by the Justice Department. It seems that the message has gotten through to the Democrats. This was an issue that could have made the Republicans go down the scorched earth policy when it came to the Obama Administration. As mention on this blog and of late on the The Factor on Fox, the Obama Administration has extended the use of the drones in Pakistan to kill terrorists. It seems that the drones are blowing up the terrorists when they are with their families. As stated on this blog the Obama Administration has the blood on the innocent on its hands, its in a glass house if starts to prosecute those lawyers from the Bush Administration. As stated Obama could have found himself after four or eight years having to give a lot of affidavits on his legal memos. But it seems political reality has hit the Obama White House and his Justice Department. It would be wise for all sides to let the issue drop for the future. Don't get me wrong, I agree with Obama's policy of extended use of the drones, and their use in Pakistan, but lets not place either side in glass houses, it only needs cracks to make all sides very out of order. Thus a nod to the Obama Administration.