Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Prediction Time

I am loathed to make a prediction in the case of Ohio and Texas but here goes, on Ohio I see a Clinton win. On the margin of victory my gut is telling me it will okay single digits but healthy. In Texas we have the Texas Two Step, a Primary and Caucus. This one is hard, the 3am National Security Ad worked, the Obama Mania seems to have halted or frozen. Thus here goes, still think Obama will win Texas in the Primary and Caucus. Narrow win in the Primary but a healthy does of the Delegates.

Thus over all, Hillary Clinton will stay in the race, a couple of weeks to go or even months.

The Long March and NOT CHINA!!

New York Times: Reports that Hillary Clinton has stated this election will go on and on, the Long March has nothing on this, the Clintons are not read to give up power just yet. Weeks even months of this Campaign, this is the time for John McCain to get his General Election Campaign on firm foundations. Depending on who wins the Democratic Race and when this is precious time for the McCain Camp. If they play it smart, they should be able after the conventions to take a commanding lead in the polls. If its Obama look at what worked in the Clinton Campaign and what didn’t work, on the other hand if its Clinton look at the early success of Obama and use that against Clinton. Politics is fun!!

The Truth about NAFTA and Obama

New York Times: Reports on the truth that Obama says one thing in Ohio whiles his senior Aides say something else to other governments. Does recall Nixon in 1968.

Obama not Reagan!

RCP: This article argues that Obama is not a Reagan; Reagan was a proud Conservative while Obama avoids ideological Labels. The articles states the following on what Obama should do, “ Revive the liberal label and carry it into the White House. That's what Reagan did with conservatism and that's how he changed the trajectory of American politics. ” Obama is to smart to carry the Liberal tag, Reagan made the tag of being called a liberal a dirty word in American Politics. If Obama does became the Democratic Nominee he will have to move to the centre or even the right, Obama can still became another Reagan but does he have the courage to challenge his own side, his chats with Canada show that he lacks courage to deal with his own side in a honest way. Reagan was Reagan, he politician but honest and with courage of his convictions. Must Read of the Day.

Ohio and Texas Polls

Zogby: One last poll before the election. It shows that Clinton has stopped the Obama surge in Texas, that National Security Ad was worth the money they spent, in Ohio Obama has caught up with Clinton. Here are the results:


Clinton 47 %

Obama 44 %


Clinton 44 %

Obama 44 %

It should be recall what happened in New Hampshire. Hope N.H still holds its head in shame!!

Obama Spin Machine

The Politico: The Obama Mania of the past few days seems to have been halted, the Clinton National Security Ad that is posted on this blog seems to have done the trick, more critical review of Obama. Also the SNL sketch of how the media has gushed over Obama also has worked, the press are all over Obama, the flab over his alleged promise not to change a trade agreement with Canada while saying something different in Ohio. Also his friendship with a slum landlord, in the words of Clinton, has come back to haunt him. The race is not over till the lady sings. The Politico has a memo from the Obama camp that goes to stress the delegate count, it would if they lose Texas and Ohio. This race could go to the Convention.

Iran Sanctions

BBC News: Reports more sanctions in Iran due to its nuclear ambitions, the sanctions are not great as they had to be water down to get pass those holding a veto on the UN Security Council. Israel before January 20th 2009 should take military action to prevent Iran becoming a nuclear power within a few years.