Sunday, July 06, 2014

Hard Choices by Hillary Clinton - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

Even the liberal New York Times is not impressed with the Clinton memoirs, even they state its a PR book before the 2016 election, the point of the book is to show that that Hillary Clinton is no President Obama, that she understands foreign policy, won't have to learn on the job.   Everyone thinks Hillary Clinton will state she will run after the 2014 Mid Terms,  this blog is not so sure she will run, the Clintons must think of the political cost should she run and lose, ALL the Clinton power would be gone, it could be argued that IF Hillary Clinton took the role of Kingmaker it would keep the Clinton image intact and ready for her daughter later down the line.   As has been noted Hillary Clinton will be 69 in 2016, then there is her record at the State Department, her reset with Russia that failed, her loss of the 1st US Ambassador through murder  in 30 years in Libya,  her wealth after leaving State.   ALL these issues will be on the table, let see if the Clintons want to take the risk of losing or keep the image for their daughter later. 

The ISIS State that was Syria and Iraq - Middle East Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The more time these terrorist thugs of the ISIS have to time to establish their State, the harder it will be for the US to taken them down, without having to use ground and air assets, the Oval should use the CIA to remove the head, then the body of the ISIS might wither, one can assume that NSA and the CIA AND their drones could take out the leadership, its time for the Oval to find its inner Chicago Pol and order executive action, through this the West might save Iraq and Syria, and its own economy, these terrorists are a threat to the entire Middle East, thus ALL action should be on the table, less chat more action.   If the Oval does not take action it might find that oil prices rise, and the US voter will blame the Oval and Democrats, thus time for the Dems to find their inner hawk and push the Oval to take action. 

Romney for 2016 - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

One should recall that President Reagan had three runs for the Oval, he had a limited run in 1968 against Richard Nixon, then he ran against President Ford, and took the fight to the Republican Convention before losing, and finally he won the nomination is 1980 and went on to beat President Carter.  The problem is that Romney is NO Reagan, he is an excellent businessman, he made his money that way, unlike the Clintons who have traded on their public careers through books and speeches,  Romney does not have the charisma of a Reagan, the Gipper was a cause, he allowed Americans to feel that THE  US was great again after Vietnam and Watergate.   The Republican Party needs new faces and brand names, this blog would think the US was on the decline if 2016 the candidates had brand names of Clinton and Bush, the US voters needs another Reagan, who will be the next Gipper.