Friday, February 22, 2008

New Texas Poll

ABC News/Washington Post: Has Clinton and Obama tied in the State. Obama by March 4th could be in the lead if these poll results follow this pattern. The Poll states the following:

Clinton 48 %

Obama 47 %

Texas will hold a Primary and a Caucus on the same day. Both choose the Delegates, and within that context the delegates are in major urban centres that will help Obama. Obama has a great field operation to get his supporters to vote. If your Obama supporter remember you have two votes in Texas, the Primary Vote and then you must Caucus to gain more delegates. Politics is fun.

RCP – Delegate Count – Democrats

RCP: As of this Friday, Senator Obama is leading Senator by ninety-two delegates, this includes Super Delegates. The Count stands at the following.

Obama 1363

Clinton 1271

Senator Clinton has to wing big in Texas and Ohio; a close victory is not good enough, if close Obama wins the nomination.

Thank you Mr President

IBD: States it’s thanks to Ronald Reagan for SDI and the son of SDI. The recent use to shoot down a falling Satellite shows again why Ronald Reagan was a great President. Thank you Mr President, So Say We All.

The Democratic Debate – Media Review

New York Times: The Liberal Establishment Newspaper has the view that Senator Clinton has more work to do if she wants take Obama down a beg or two!! The paper states the following, “ After the 90 minute face-off was over, it was not clear that Mrs. Clinton, in the toughest position of the campaign for her, had done enough to change the course of the contest.In American Politics you don’t get second chances to win, Clinton has one more debate or it’s almost over for the Clinton Machine. The New York Times seems to have bailed on Senator, and is supporting Obama, that’s the impression from the debate.

San Francisco Chronicle
: A draw for Clinton. But she needed a knockout is fighting terms; she has not much time if she really wants the nomination.

: Clinton didn’t win thus she lost. Politics is harsh, that is why politics is great.

McCain and the Liberal New York Times

The Politico: Looks at how the McCain Campaign dealt with the political smear by the LIBERAL New York Times. If I didn’t know better would think the NYT was trying to help McCain, two things get the Conservatives to the Political Battlements, the thought of Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Nominee and a attack from the NYT on a Conservative.

Note to Readers: Covered this story in December 2007.

Death in Afghanistan

BBC News: Another British Soldier killed this week. The Total now stands at 89. How many more, what is the plan for wining.