Sunday, February 28, 2016

Trump and Super Tuesday - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

SO will it be the Donald after Super Tuesday or an Rubio and Cruz unite to defeat the the Trump.  It would be an interesting idea, what about a joint ticket, Rubio and Cruz, or the other way around, of course the hour is to late, the moderates and the Establishment should have thought of that a long time ago, so in political reality we could see Donald Trump as the Republican nominee, one does wonder if he will change his manner, his speech and policies, that might be asking to much, that is why this blog with regret is supporting HRC all the way to the Oval, the Clintons have their flaws, and BILL has major flaws, we all know what they are, but he does have a fine brain and would be a great help to HRC when it comes to foreign policy.    Who would have thought his blog would end up supporting HRC. 

Trump and the Mob - Cruz - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

The Cruz Campaign is throwing the kitchen sink at the Trump, of course as a billionaire the Donald has made enemies, you don't become one without making enemies.   The Donald does not help himself when he retweets a fascist quote.   One does wonder how the Republican Party will come together after this election, IF Trump is the nominee we could be seeing a split within the Republican Party, it would be fair to say that many moderate voters will vote for HRC over the Donald.  What an election season!!!

Trump the Fascist ? Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Let's hope the Donald does not use Mussolini as a political role model, when one starts to warm to the Trump he does something like this, thus forcing this blog back to supporting HRC all the way to the Oval.  In the case of HRC one can see her pandering, one sees her political mind rolling how to make sure the African American vote turn out for her.  This blog understands that the US voter is peeved, one could use more colourful words, BUT being angry does not allow them to vote for candidates who are extreme, Sanders on the left and now Trump on the right.   It can be said that 2016 is a VERY different kind of election.