Sunday, February 07, 2016

The Trump on the War on Terror - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

The liberal press elite are NOW going to start to target the Donald, they do not think there is a need a for a War on Terror and they oppose ALL torture.   This blog is starting to like the Donald, there needs to be a tough war on terror, and torture works, when information is needed and the suspect will not spill his guts there needs to be tougher methods, Water boarding, loud noise, no sleep or food, and many other methods.  If one session of water boarding saves just 1 life, then it should be used, terrorists do not have any rights, they should never be given POW statues, they are murders etc, they have no rights, the Donald just might turn me in to a Trump supporter. 

Governor Christie on Rubio - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

The question is can Senator Rubio keep his 2nd place in most New Hampshire polls, if he falters and is replaced by either Christie or Kasich then the rest will have to go home.  It will be a three man race, Trump, Cruz and ? that is the interesting question, this blog still thinks Rubio could beat Hillary Clinton, depends who the Republicans in NH think is the best candidate.  It can be postulated that Jeb Bush still has the money to carry, if they are not 2nd in NH it could be good night from Christie, Kasich and Carson.  A few days to go, how will it end in NH?

Rubio roasted by fellow Republicans - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

The moment Senator Rubio came a strong 3rd just behind Trump in the Iowa vote he has a become a political target for others wanting to be the Establishment Candidate to fight Donald Trump, thus Governor Christie a former Federal lawyer put the boot in, he has called him a boy in the bubble, and then scripted, well the Florida Senator did not help himself, he repeated his stump speech, that Obama knows what he is doing, by some counts he said it 8 times.  One the whole Trump, and Cruz had a good night, with one exception, Trump got in to a battle with Jeb Bush, those in the hall booed the Trump, but Trump turned it around by stating that they represented Establishment of money, thus he won.   Projection for NH, Trump, Rubio, Kasich, we shall next week how the voters voted. 

North Korean Missile Test - Asia Crisis

We condemn today's launch and North Korea's determination to prioritize its missile and nuclear weapons programs over the well-being of its people, whose struggles only intensify with North Korea’s diversion of scarce resources to such destabilizing activities.   ‎ 

Lets Get Real:

The North Korean government is acting up because it has seen that Iran gets 150 billion for not going nuclear; of course a lot of writers on the right think that the Tehran Regime will take the money and still build the bomb; NK wants the same attention from the Obama Administration before a new Administration takes over, thus one can expect more tempter tantrums from North Korea, the question is what will it do next, that is always the worry with the North it might go to far, the isolation of NK makes it hard to read.