Sunday, December 13, 2020

The UK's backup PLAN for a NO DEAL BREXIT - Brexit Update 3 - Transitional Phase

Daily Mail: Reports " Ministers have drawn up plans for a £10billion bailout package for sectors of the economy that are set to be badly hit in the worst-case scenario.  "

Lets Get Real:

What is the point of drawing up plans if no one knows about it, the blink by the PM today will make business feel that the UK Government will CAVE to the EU and not a lot will change.  The PM has done another U - TURN, Lady Thatcher would have not done this even at the worse times.  One does wonder if PM Boris is up to the job.  The ERG might want to think of placing of their own in No 10, someone who can make a decision and keep to it, this move by the PM could cost him the 2024 general election and the support this like this blog.   A weak PM is no good, just look at PM May, at the beck and call of the EU through her time in power.  Not a good day for the UK, the EU might get their way at the end . 

How FAST can a TRADE DEAL but in PLACE - Brexit Update 2 - Transitional Phase

Sky News - Live Blog: Reports in its 1.40pm post the following, " The EU 27 will vow to take "all the necessary steps" to put in place any deal reached by negotiators as soon as possible, according to a coordinated response described to Reuters.  "

Lets Get Real:

This shows how cynical the EU is, they are not going to move from their redlines, they expect the UK to give ALL the concessions.  PM Boris must not allow himself to become like PM May, being bullied by the EU.  It does not matter how it looks if the UK walks away from the talks, it can be argued that both Churchill and Thatcher would not have put up with this from EU refusing to allow the UK PM to talk to the French President or the German Chancellor, when Russia threatens Poland or the Baltic States, these states will not expect help from Paris or Berlin, it is about time to remind them of that, also the the next US Administration should be warned, when it comes to the trenches, its the Brits that are with them, the rest are missing in action. Time for the UK to become the bad cop in these talks. 

Has PM Boris Blinked - UK AND EU trade talks - Brexit Update 1 - Transitional Phase

Lets Get Real:

Today was meant to be NO DEAL DAY or DEAL DAY, one or the other, and NOW we have further talks, one has to ask did the PM blink, did the warnings from the Remain individual and groups frighten the PM in to seeking an extension on TALKS without any deadline.  The PM warned people to get ready for a NO DEAL Brexit, but then carries on with the talks.  The PM did not say that there has been some progress, so why allow this deadline to pass, neither side wants to be seen to pull the plug, but there is no deadline, we could be having these discussions right up to December 31st, people need to know NOW, not on January 1st 2021.