Saturday, January 15, 2022

US on Russia and the Ukraine - Update 2 - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The Biden Oval if it was smart and not risk averse would send in the 101st airborne, on a surprise New Year military exercise with the Ukraine Forces, this would STOP Putin in his tracks, eve Putin does not want to take on US Forces or NATO forces.  The Russian Bear will back off he knows that he will get his backside kicked and it would be a humiliation for the Kremlin.  Unfortunately Biden is no Ronald Reagan, after losing nearly 240+ US Armed Forces Personnel in Beirut due to a terrorist bombing, the Gipper invaded Grenada to stop a Marxist Coup, that took guts and Reagan was seen as tough by the rest of the World, one does not see Biden doing something to prevent WAR.  The US needs a NEW REAGAN, while the UK needs another Churchill or Thatcher.

Russians creating PRETEXT to invade the Ukraine - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

President Putin is following the Hitler playbook, in 1939 Hitler had prisoners dressed up as Polish Soldiers and had them attack a German asset, the " attackers " were all killed, it suited Nazi Germany to go with this story.  It should also be recalled that the Nazis and USSR singed a non aggression pact in August of 39.   Thus after the Nazi attack on Poland, Germany had the half it wanted while the USSR had the rest.  It can be argued that Putin is a keen student of Hitler.  The WEST must stop this invasion, HARSH words are good, but there has to be a military line that Putin does not cross, otherwise the Europe, the World in fact could be on the road to World War 3, what next for Putin after the Ukraine, the Baltic States, Poland.  As Munich 1938 has showed it is better to stop tyrants before they go for ALL OUT WAR.