Sky News: Reports " Russia looking for excuse to invade Ukraine' - but US insists week of diplomacy has not failed...To try to, through sabotage operations, through false flag operations, through blaming the other guy, to create that pretext, to give an excuse to go in, or to make it look like the Ukrainians were the aggressors..." the US Under-Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, tells Sky News. "
Lets Get Real:
The Biden Oval if it was smart and not risk averse would send in the 101st airborne, on a surprise New Year military exercise with the Ukraine Forces, this would STOP Putin in his tracks, eve Putin does not want to take on US Forces or NATO forces. The Russian Bear will back off he knows that he will get his backside kicked and it would be a humiliation for the Kremlin. Unfortunately Biden is no Ronald Reagan, after losing nearly 240+ US Armed Forces Personnel in Beirut due to a terrorist bombing, the Gipper invaded Grenada to stop a Marxist Coup, that took guts and Reagan was seen as tough by the rest of the World, one does not see Biden doing something to prevent WAR. The US needs a NEW REAGAN, while the UK needs another Churchill or Thatcher.