Thursday, May 21, 2009

More about Obama than the War on Terror

White House Blog: Reports on President Obama's view of US National Security. The speech in fact tells you more about Obama than what is the real world of US National Security. The President stated the following on US Security, " But I believe with every fiber of my being that in the long run we also cannot keep this country safe unless we enlist the power of our most fundamental values. The documents that we hold in this very hall – the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights – these are not simply words written into aging parchment. They are the foundation of liberty and justice in this country, and a light that shines for all who seek freedom, fairness, equality and dignity around the world....I have studied the Constitution as a student; I have taught it as a teacher; I have been bound by it as a lawyer and legislator. I took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution as Commander-in-Chief. And as a citizen, I know that we must never – ever – turn our back on its enduring principles for expedience sake.....I make this claim not simply as a matter of idealism. We uphold our most cherished values not only because doing so is right, but because it strengthens our country and keeps us safe. Time and again, our values have been our best national security asset – in war and peace; in times of ease and in eras of upheaval." This shows that President Obama does not understand US National Security, did President Lincoln follow the rule of law, like hell, to protect the Union he simple suspended parts that didn't work, FDR placed Americans of Japanese decent in Camps, Truman dropped the nuclear bomb, JFK supported the CIA in its invasion of Cuba, also the Kennedy Administration gave the green light to the overthrow of Diem in Vietnam. Nixon supported the overthrowing of the Chilean Government. Carter after the invasion of Afghanistan supported the rebels, with money and weapons. Reagan supported this policy and also went after the Communist Government in Nicaragua. and those are just some of the recent highlights. Obama thinks he still in some University Seminar room. Lets hope the Congress has the pulse of the public and reminds the President that they are a equal branch of Government, lets force Obama to keep Gitmo open and take the political heat, he might learn that sometimes a President has to get the low level of approval ratings before he becomes a great President, Reagan in the first term got down to the thirty percent in approval rating, he left office with a 63% approval rating.

Obama critical of Bush 43

BBC News: Reports on a critical speech by President Obama on Bush 43 terrorist policies. This speech has confirmed my opinion that President Obama will be a one term President, he sounds so much like Jimmy Carter, not a great compliment folks. Did notice that Obama went on about Justice, winning against Al Qeada is not about justice, its about destroying a mortal threat to the USA. Obama is acting like his mind is still back in the 08 Campaign. Lets hope the Congress does not buckle, lets hope they force Obama to keep Gitmo open, Congress does have the power, might be a good idea to remind the secular second coming that they are a equal branch of government. No House or Senate member can afford to take the risk that a terrorist placed in their district or State might have negative effects, what if the terrorists hit that state, that is the aspect that Obama either cant or wont see, as with Afghanistan Obama is starting to believe his own press statements. As noted Obama has stated that Reagan would go down as a great President, Reagan had a simple solution for the USSR, we win they lose, he did what needed to be done, one can postulate that Reagan would argue that Obama is another Carter. Did one notice the idea that he can control what future Presidents do in a time of crisis, what arrogance. As a student in my time I have seen that arrogance in Uni Seminars, its the type that comes from being a Community Organizer and running for President, but not having paid ones dues in life, the type that can sell his own grandmother down the river and then finds it he was wrong on the political front, Obama it is sad to say is that type, so thus Obama = Carter. What about Cheney for 2012.

Reagan Great President - President Obama

Fox News: Reports on a very nice compliment that President Obama has stated about President Ronald Reagan for a book on his Presidency, Obama has stated that Reagan will go down as a great President. The left wing bloggers will go bonkers, not the best time for this comment to come out, but its nice, its one great communicator seeing another great communicator. On the other hand, Reagan had a better first term team, this is my political advice to Obama, get a new Chief of Staff, my suggestion, James Baker, former Chief of Staff to Reagan, Secretary of the Treasury, and Secretary of State. Mr Baker could help Obama in so many areas, and he would make sure the first term team worked with one goal, getting Obama re-elected in 2012.

King Louis XVI and the French Revolution

Telegraph: Reports that the political testament of King Louis XVI has been found. The King and Queen lost their heads in the French Revolution. If there was such a thing as a time travel, would have a regiment of Welsh Guards with a machine gun, all that unfortunate business of the French Revolution would be removed, no storming of prisons, no killing of the innocent, no Wars between Great Britain and France. It’s only in the UK that the Revolution is seen as bad, one has to wonder about the rest of the world. Read of the Day.

Peace Deal in Afghanistan ?

The New York Times: Reports on backroom peace deal talks between the Taliban and the Government of Afghanistan. At a time that Obama has sent over twenty one thousand troops to Afghanistan and is open to sending another ten thousand, one has to ask are these talks serious, the war in Afghanistan is the Just War Obama wanted to fight on the 08 Campaign. Also could a Liberal President hand over Afghanistan to the Taliban. Also more important can any talks be taken at face value, would the Taliban in Afghanistan turn their backs on their brothers in Pakistan and repel the terrorists, that would have to be the deal. It can be postulated that the Taliban need to be beaten more in Afghanistan, and really crushed in Pakistan, before any real talks. Also to be honest I don't see Obama walking away from Afghanistan, as with LBJ with Vietnam, its his War now, if Iraq and Afghanistan go down the toilet Obama wont win in 2012.

The US Senate vs POTUS

BBC News: Reports that the US Senate has rejected the Obama Plan to close down Gitmo, to transfer the suspected terrorists to the USA. Also further votes in the Senate has made it harder for the Obama Administration to transfer suspected terrorists, two Amendments have passed that does this, the first states that each suspected terrorist will have to have a security risk report, the second amendment states that before a suspect terrorist can be moved to a state the Governor and the Local Government have to give the okay. That this was coming down the pike is not new, a few days ago the Democratic Leaders of Congress both in the House and Senate stated that they would not support the President on this move, thus the present problem for Obama. It has been stated that Obama will give a speech on Gitmo tomorrow, so what is Plan B, will Obama try to roll the Congress. This will be harder than it sounds, lets recall this is a National Security Issue, Democrats always have a weak hand on this subject at the best of times. Also lets get political, we have the Mid Term Congressional Elections in 2010, how will a House of Representatives explain that his voters have a well known terrorist in their backyard, as an example, KSM the mastermind of 9/11. Also what if once these terrorists are moved as an example to New York, their friends in Afghanistan and Pakistan decide to attack New York State again in attempt to get their friends out, they would state, no terrorists attack if as an example KSM is sent back Saudi Arabia. Thus it would be better to keep the terrorists at Gitmo.