CNN - Politics: Reports the following on TAXGATE, ".... IRS employees say direction came from Washington ".
Lets Get Real:
Thus folks those that work within the IRS are starting to follow the old Washington advice, CYA, they have seen past staff thrown under the bus while the elite get away, if there is a link to the White House or to the Obama/Biden 2012 Campaign its a get out of jail card, and it will be used folks, as with Watergate it can be postulated that the Obama/Biden hoped that this mess would not come out in till after the election, and then it would go away, that is bad politic folks, after the election the race started for the 2014 Mid Terms and the 2016 Presidential race, if there is any link to the the Oval, then the tax scandal will get a lot worse folks and the Obama Agenda will be dead on the Hill, lets see what the Congressional Committees find, it could be that the Oval is clean, do you trust a Chicago Pol, if you do you are a fool, but there could be a first time, the legal language used by the Oval makes this blogger think that the Oval has something to hide, so WINDY in the Windy City folks, what secrets will the Congressional wind find, someone is going to jail folks, tax targeting can hit anyone, thus the Congress will find someone to jail folks.