Monday, June 03, 2013

Obama and TAXGATE - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real: 

Thus folks those that work within the IRS are starting to follow the old Washington advice, CYA, they have seen past staff thrown under the bus while the elite get away, if there is a link to the White House or to the Obama/Biden 2012 Campaign its a get out of jail  card, and it will be used folks, as with Watergate it can be  postulated that the Obama/Biden hoped that this mess would not come out in till after the election, and then it would go away, that is bad politic folks, after the election the race started for the 2014 Mid Terms and the 2016 Presidential race, if there is any link to the the Oval, then the tax scandal will get a lot worse folks and the Obama Agenda will be dead on the Hill, lets see what the Congressional Committees find, it could be that the Oval is clean, do you trust a Chicago Pol, if you do you are a fool, but there could be a first time, the legal language used by the Oval makes this blogger think that the Oval has something to hide, so WINDY in the Windy City folks, what secrets will the Congressional wind find, someone is going to jail folks, tax targeting can hit anyone, thus the Congress will find someone to jail folks. 

Obama and the TAX SCANDAL - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

Lets give President Obama the benefit of doubt, lets say that the White House knew that the IRS had targeted the Tea Party, but did not order it , but did not stop it either,  as the targeting took in hundred of groups and individuals it can be a fair assumption that someone somewhere in the White House knew and smiled, since the White House staff seem to keep a lot form the Oval, the question is WHO KNEW and how long can they stay on the White House Staff if their role comes out, at the end of the day staff are staff, when it comes to who has to fall on their sword, the Staff or the Oval, it always has to be the Staff, the only problem is how close are they to the Oval, if they are close no one is going to believe that the Oval did not know, that is the problem folks, it might not be the reality that counts but the perception of reality, is Obama the New Nixon, by a trick of the light. 

A Problem like Turkey - Turkish Protests

BBC News: Reports on the first death in the four days of protest in Turkey. 

Lets Get Real:

Since the start of the African/Arab Spring the Obama Oval has been slow, in Egypt the lack of US leadership has seen the Muslim Brotherhood take power, no friend of  Israel or the West in the long term, the Arab Spring has turned Syria in to a proxy War on many levels, from within the Islamic religion to proxy Wars between the West and Iran, the last thing that the Obama Oval wants is for Turkey to go the way of Egypt or Syria, the Syrian Civil War is causing internal problems within Jordan, the high level of refugees is staring to fracture Jordan Society,  the Syrian Civil War is pushing Lebanon back in to Civil War, just as it was getting back on its feet, lets recall Turkey is a NATO ally, and nominally a secular democratic State, thus the West has to see who these protesters are, the US in the end supported the protesters in Egypt, but in the elections the better structure of the Muslim Brotherhood allowed them to win the Presidency and the Parliament, thus folks its the same problem with Syria, at the start the protesters wanted freedom, the lack of Western action has allowed Al Qaeda to become the major resistance fighters in Syria, thus a problem for the West, before we throw the Turkish leadership under the bus lets see who would replace them folks.