Monday, June 03, 2013

Obama and the TAX SCANDAL - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

Lets give President Obama the benefit of doubt, lets say that the White House knew that the IRS had targeted the Tea Party, but did not order it , but did not stop it either,  as the targeting took in hundred of groups and individuals it can be a fair assumption that someone somewhere in the White House knew and smiled, since the White House staff seem to keep a lot form the Oval, the question is WHO KNEW and how long can they stay on the White House Staff if their role comes out, at the end of the day staff are staff, when it comes to who has to fall on their sword, the Staff or the Oval, it always has to be the Staff, the only problem is how close are they to the Oval, if they are close no one is going to believe that the Oval did not know, that is the problem folks, it might not be the reality that counts but the perception of reality, is Obama the New Nixon, by a trick of the light. 

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