Telegraph: Reports " Unite threatens to drop support for Andy Burnham unless he opposes all spending cuts..Senior figures at Britain's biggest trade union warn it will not endorse Labour leadership front-runner unless he proposes 'anti-austerity' economic policy "
Lets Get Real:
If the Labour Party goes left in the leadership contest it might as well resign itself to losing the 2020 General Election, the British voter on the whole has shown he/she are on the right of centre, they do not trust the Labour Party with its money and does not want to see a Labour Party held ransom by either the SNP or the Trade Unions. If the Labour wants a chance of winning in 2020 it should elect Liz Kendall, she is from the Blair faction of the Party, she understands that people want to better future for themselves and their families. The Labour Party could spend two decades out of power, that is the fate of not listening to the voter.