Friday, November 05, 2021

EU WARNS UK over invoking Article 16 - After Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The EU has more to lose if the UK invokes Article 16, the trade between the UK and the EU has gone down, so we are ready for a TRADE WAR, also it would force Ireland as representing the EU to place borders posts or their SIDE of the BORDER.  This will place the Republic in a awkward spot, the Good Friday Agreement allows for free travel between the province and the Republic, its part of a international treaty, thus who will the Irish say NO to, either the UK or to the EU.   It is about time the UK played HARDBALL with the the EU, with the World still dealing with COVID 19 how much damage does the EU want to do to EU Countries and the UK.   The EU is behind the 8ball, and it knows it, they are hoping that PM Boris will not invoke article 16, will the political problems that the PM has as the present, it would be a good time to invoke Article 16, its the right thing to do and will divert attention from present political problems.