The New York Times: Reports on the relationship between Vice President Biden and President Obama, how after a few up and downs they have a working relationship that works.
Lets Get Real:
If President Obama wants to make sure he gets re-elected he has to dump VP Biden and place Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has his VP choice of 2012. The lack of the Oval doing this does recall LBJ, he could have chosen Senator Robert Kennedy as his VP in 1964 but didn't want to be seen as having been elected due to Robert Kennedy. This was a political mistake by LBJ, if he had chosen RFK he would have had a good chance of winning the 1968 Presidential Election, also as the Vietnam War went badly he could have used RFK to blunt the liberal attack, but that is counter factual history folks, you can never tell. Lets look at more recent history, it can be argued that Bush 43 should have replaced VP Cheney in 2004 with a candidate who could run in part on the Bush record, has Bush 41 ran on being the VP to Ronald Reagan in 1988. A 2nd term President has to face the fact that without this VP running after the first year he becomes less important, if the VP is running he can not afford to burn his bridges with his President. Thus POTUS has some power, if only the ability to hurt his VP, Richard Nixon was hurt when Ike told reports that he would need a week to work out what Nixon has done over eight years. The Reagan legacy looks good because his VP won, the Bill Clinton less because Al Gore lost in 2000. Thus POTUS should consider Hillary Clinton for VP, then he will have some power in a 2nd term win, otherwise he will find he has become a silent screen star with no voice as the press will be in Iowa quite early for 2016.