Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Greek Bailout at RISK

BBC News: Reports that Alexis Tsipras, leader of the Syriza, a left wing Greek Party that came second in the Greek election with 16.78% of the vote has stated that he wants to form a Coalition Government that will refused to follow the bailout agreement agreed by the previous Government.

Lets Get Real:

It is time for the EU and Germany to play hardball with the Greeks, either follow the agreed deal or get out of the Euro and lose your voting rights in the EU. If need be Greece should be cut lose, it will come back with better judgment if it finds itself out in the cold and broke. If you EU blinks with Greece you will see even more pain for Greece and the rest of the EU, why should the other bailed out countries have tough austerity measures if Greece can tell the EU to get lost. This is judgment time for EU, either the EU can make Greece keep its previous agreements or the EU and the Euro is heading for the cliff.

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