Sunday, December 25, 2022

The First Christmas Message from the King - King Charles III

Lets Get Real:

It was a fine speech by the King, the first male Monarch to give a TV Message, the first Monarch to do a Christmas message via Radio was King George V.  As an indifferent Conservative voter I supported the King's praise for the public sector, if in No 10 might have had a my eyebrow up, as we know we have public sector STRIKES ALL over the place, thanking the public sector can turn to anger if Nurses, train employers and your Postie does not turn up with your Christmas cards or presents might rise the other eyebrow.   One assumes that that the King's speech was cleared or at least shown to the the No 10, as one can expect the Unions to bring it up in the new year with the Conservative Government.  One look forwards to a long reign by King Charles III and a more happy period, one can hope, the Ukraine is never far away from this blog's thoughts, something has to give, either the West is going to appease Putin or there is a Coup against President Putin, a peaceful YEAR ahead does not look likely, thus we have Russia in the Ukraine, North Korea and a expected nuclear test and Iran on the edge of getting the bomb. HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS FOR NEXT YEAR!

Happy Christmas and Happy New Year - Culture

Happy Christmas


Happy New Year