Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Rice in CHARGE, NOT Kerry! - 2nd Term MISTAKE

Guardian: Reports the following the naming of Susan Rice as the NSA to President Obama, " the Bush administration before it, the White House is the place where US foreign policy comes into existence. ".

Lets Get Real: 

The uber left wing Guardian is almost jumping with joy at the prospect of Ambassador Rice becoming the new NSA, they do not seem to have a problem with the fact that there is NOW the perception that Secretary Kerry is just hat stand, all the power will be within the Oval, while the State Department will be lucky to get the news before it turns up on the 24/7 news channels. this not new folks, one is surprised that Kerry agreed to take the job, he just might like the title and flaying, he will have no say in the White House once Rice becomes the NSA, she speaks for the President, and the D.C and World will know that fact, there is almost an argument that the job of Secretary of State should be abolished and the Department moved under the National Security Advisor, it will save time and it would give the NSA some Departmental influence, it could even be argued that the NSA should get Senate approval, no President will agree to that, thus poor Secretary Kerry, all that glitter and its fake.   That is the price of ego and politics folks. 

LOYAL to WHOM ? - 2nd Term MISTAKE

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks what is President Obama afraid off, that is the only reason for this move, you do not bring a scandal that close to the Oval in less you have something worse to hide, at least when US Ambassador Rice was at the UN she was some distance from the Oval, now she has the office next door, does the Oval not think the Republicans in the House will demand her presence to explain who gave her the final push on that Sunday, one does not have to be a Time Lord to work out it was the Oval, thus the talking points came from the Oval, it was the Oval's idea to lie to the US voters in 2012, that can be the only reason for the above, or that the Oval has totally lost the plot, this is a guy who accepted a Noble Peace Prize for coming through the door, then let lose the drones.    Even voters who have given the Oval the benefit of the doubt well smell the BS when Obama announces that Rice is the new NSA, its a dirty Chicago deal folks, if you do not know that read a different blog. 

Benghazi/Rice and POTUS - 2nd Term MISTAKE

Lets Get Real:

This is an insult to the Republican in the House who are searching for the truth of the Benghazi terror attack, well the Republicans have to take the gloves off, get the new NSA before a Congressional Committee, ask her who she saw at the White House before going on the Sunday talk shows, force the Oval to refuse the attendance of Rice before Congress, then the Hill and the World will will know that that it was the Oval behind the lie to the the US voters during an election year and to the World.   This Administration has shown a arrogance of power from the start, they think the rules do not apply to them, well if the Chicago political mob want to play by those rules, lets see how they like being under the hot seat of a Hill Committee run by the Republicans.    This is a massive mistake by the Oval, it shows a President caught up his own bubble, nearly ALL will think this  is political payback, its one of the worse decisions since Lt. Colonel North was bough in to the White House, also what will Secretary Kerry think, he will be worried that the Oval will now start to sideline the State Department, very much like Nixon and Kissinger did in the Nixon Administration of the early 1970s, and Obama and Rice are no Nixon and Kissinger, even on their good days.  The arrogance of power folks. 

Rice for NSA - 2nd Term MISTAKE

BBC News: Reports that Susan Rice the US Ambassador to the UN is to become the new Obama National Security Advisor. 

Lets Get Real: 

Thus folks we now know who sent out Ambassador Rice to lie to the Sunday political talks shows, this is political payback from Oval, and it smells of a Chicago deal,  as President Obama could not get Rice through the US Senate he has to appoint her to a post that does not need Senate confirmation, this means that the miss leading statements of the Libyan terror attack came from the Oval, the use of a vile anti Islamic video as a faint had its origins in the Oval, that can be the only reason for this appointment, as Rice has been a good Soldier and kept her mouth shut at the cost of her credibility to the Foreign Policy Establishment, lets face it folks you can not trust a word that Rice says in the future, she will say what ever the Oval wants to say, her political career is finished once Obama is out of OFFICE, does she get that fact, one has doubts.