Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Rice for NSA - 2nd Term MISTAKE

BBC News: Reports that Susan Rice the US Ambassador to the UN is to become the new Obama National Security Advisor. 

Lets Get Real: 

Thus folks we now know who sent out Ambassador Rice to lie to the Sunday political talks shows, this is political payback from Oval, and it smells of a Chicago deal,  as President Obama could not get Rice through the US Senate he has to appoint her to a post that does not need Senate confirmation, this means that the miss leading statements of the Libyan terror attack came from the Oval, the use of a vile anti Islamic video as a faint had its origins in the Oval, that can be the only reason for this appointment, as Rice has been a good Soldier and kept her mouth shut at the cost of her credibility to the Foreign Policy Establishment, lets face it folks you can not trust a word that Rice says in the future, she will say what ever the Oval wants to say, her political career is finished once Obama is out of OFFICE, does she get that fact, one has doubts. 

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