Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Assad of Syria has used Sarin - French Government

BBC News: Reports that the French Government has confirmed that the Assad Government in Syria has used chemical weapons.

Lets Get Real:

This is the last thing that the Oval wants to hear, even the White House Press Secretary while using weasel words about the need for more proof did not believe a word he was saying, he is not that good an actor.   The Obama Oval is in bind of his own making, during the 2012 Presidential race he stated that the use of chemical weapons in Syria was a red line, well that red has been demolished by the Assad Regime, they see Obama as a paper tiger, is the Oval now willing to say that the French are laying about their PROOF.   The Oval has a problem, when a US President gives a warning, he has to back it up, the Tehran Regime is looking on, they are seeing a weak President, all talk no bite, how can Israel trust the Oval when it uses weasel words to avoid taking action, the lack of US leadership had lead to over eighty thousands deaths in Syria, there will be more, President Obama is no Reagan, he is a liberal Jimmy Carter, and that is not a compliment folks. 

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