Monday, August 24, 2020

Support your local Pub - Culture Update 1

Lets Get Real:

As the chairman of Wetherspoons supported Brexit through out the process we should support our local pubs.   It has been nice to get out and seeing real people getting along with their real lives, watching reality shows on TV for a while has been fun, but seeing people smile, having conversations and laughing is a must part of being alive, stuck at home for nearly 5 months has almost being annoying at watching CNN or the BBC when it comes to Brexit.    It is nice to shoot the breeze with other people, just talking about nothing, is part of being alive.   Let's hope we do not need a 2nd lockdown, that would be a disaster for the UK ECONOMY.

The Republican Convention - US Election Update 1

On the whole this blog does sully its mind with watching the conventions, it was bad enough to catch some of the arse kissing by CNN of the Biden Convention and this blog is supporting Biden out of no choice!

Lets Get Real:

Thus the GOP is the NOW the party of of Trump and his family.  The President is in trouble, he is down in the national polls and he is down in the rust belt States.   The President needs to find something or really go to town with Biden during the campaign debates.   The elite liberal media, CNN, NYT are celebrating Biden as superman, only because he manged to get through a speech, and what happens when he is off the teleprompter, can he duke it out with Trump in the debates, that will be interesting. 

EU plays hardball with the EU - Brexit Update 1 - Transitional Phase

Lets Get Real:

So the EU is playing hardball, well the UK should just walk way and blame the EU and the French for the problem.  The Brussels delegation is under the thump of the French who are afraid of losing their long term fishing concessions in UK waters and also the Germans.  The UK should remind the EU that the UK Government has two mandates, one from 2016 and the recent 2019 general election, the UK has been VERY CLEAR in what they want, OUT of the EU and we should not make any more concessions and we should refuse to give them any money that was agreed too in the withdrawal agreement.   That money can be spent on the NHS and life care for the elderly, better use than for the retirement of EU officials.  PM Boris has to show that he has steel and that he is not just ALL SHOW, the Conservative supporters and voters want that, the mind find his inner Churchill or Lady Thatcher.