Monday, November 30, 2015

The Syrian Debate - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Lets hope the House of Commons shows some backbone and supports the PM, the last time they did not, and thousands of extra people died in Syria.   The Labour Party is in a mess, the leader at the start of the debate will give a speech against bombing, while the Foreign Secretary at the end will come out for bombing.   The Official Opposition is a joke, one would almost give the job to the SNP.   It is time for grown up politics, support the PM and our air crews. 

Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

This shows how left wing the Guardian is, this review was well down in the article, of course the Syrian debate is a failure for Jeremy Corby and the extreme left, they tried and failed to blackmail the Shadow Cabinet, and JC had to go along with the Shadow Cabinet, thus you will have JC starting the debate in opposition to air strikes, while the Shadow Foreign Secretary supports them, its a disaster for Labour, people are going to think that Labour has lost the plot or understood the plot from the start.  A good day for democracy if BAD for Labour. 

The humiliation of Jeremy Corbyn - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Labour Party has elected a far left wing fool to lead them, there are only so many BAD leaders you can take from a political party, the Corby Agenda on the domestic front is no austerity, well we are in the mess we are due to Labour over spending, on national security he will not press the button if the red balloon goes up.   Thus time for the Labour Party to grow up and go back to the centre right polices of Tony Blair.   The Labour Party will only win again when it learns to love Tony Blair, there mus successful leader.  GROW UP LABOUR AND DUMP CORBYN.

Corbyn Agrees to Free Vote - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Red Jeremy had no choice but to agree to a free vote, otherwise he could have lost most of his Shadow Cabinet.   The hapless leader could not even get the Shadow Cabinet to take a public position on air strikes in Syria.   Thus the vote is won, the Government should grant a 1 day debate and then have the vote and then start bombing the hell out of Daesh.    Those that oppose such bombing should look at the appeasers of the 1930s and ask what would they have said in 1938 and the Munich deal.   The UK has to join its allies and bomb.