BBC News: Reports " The UK's withdrawal from Afghanistan last year was a "disaster" and a "betrayal" that will damage the nation's interests for years, an inquiry by MPs has found. "
Lets Get Real:
This blog has no time for Party gates, its a attempt by the enemies of the PM to get him out of OFFICE because of BREXIT, some can never accept that FACT that they were on the losing side. This goes to Remain MPs still in the House of Commons, the left wing press, BBC News, Sky News, Channel 4 News, Guardian, even the Times and Conservative MPs who are former Ministers and are angry for being sacked, and MPs who want the top job themselves. The STORY of Afghanistan as stated above is the real reason this blog no longer supports PM, he should have shamed the US to stay, in other words, he should have kept troops in Afghanistan and fought off the Taliban. The Taliban have shown they hate women, no schools for women, and TV presents must hide their faces! Also those that supported the West in Afghanistan have been killed and the WEST did nothing, one hopes the lesson of Afghanistan for the US and UK is that YOU have to fight EVIL, at present that is in the Ukraine, just the poor people of Afghanistan have had to pay for that lesson.