Telegraph: Reports that Osama Bin Laden was shot while unarmed and killed as he was wounded on the floor by US Special Forces, the article notes the following on the shooting, " ..raised questions over whether bin Laden represented a clear threat when he was first fired on. ".
Lets Get Real:
This blog has not problem that OBL was kllled while unarmed, or shot while wounded on the floor, in fact the US Special Forces were to kind to him, if it has been this blog he would taken his time to die, we were all changed by 9/11. The worry for the Oval is that the US left will start to ask questions, were the lied too, the official version was that OBL was going for a gun, not true, thus the operation to get OBL was a kill operation. If Obama had been a Republican the US liberal left would be going bonkers, but one can expect they will remain quiet in till after November. The US Special Forces that killed OBL are heroes, its just the shame that the Oval is acting like it killed OBL, it gave the order but was not there, and from reports it seems that the Oval was pushed in to taking action by Secretary Clinton, thus not that impressive POTUS.