Friday, July 29, 2011

Obama on the Debt Ceiling Crisis = Part Two

Here at the latest remarks by President Obama on the Congressional battle over the debt ceiling,Right now, the House of Representatives is still trying to pass a bill that a majority of Republicans and Democrats in the Senate have already said they won’t vote for. It’s a plan that would force us to re-live this crisis in just a few short months, holding our economy captive to Washington politics once again. In other words, it does not solve the problem, and it has no chance of becoming law. In other words the Democrats don’t want to deal with the issue in the Presidential Election year of 2012, that the Democrats would rather default than be grown ups in the room. POTUS has thrown his tax hikes out of the window, a win for the tea party, thus his support for the plan by Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader, Obama stated the following, “ What’s clear now is that any solution to avoid default must be bipartisan. It must have the support of both parties that were sent here to represent the American people -– not just one faction. It will have to have the support of both the House and the Senate. And there are multiple ways to resolve this problem. Senator Reid, a Democrat, has introduced a plan in the Senate that contains cuts agreed upon by both parties. Senator McConnell, a Republican, offered a solution that could get us through this. There are plenty of modifications we can make to either of these plans in order to get them passed through both the House and the Senate and would allow me to sign them into law. And today I urge Democrats and Republicans in the Senate to find common ground on a plan that can get support -- that can get support from both parties in the House –- a plan that I can sign by Tuesday. ” The problem is that the Reid plan will fail in the Senate and has ZERO chance in the House, POTUS had a chance of grand deal but blew it big time with his demands for tax hikes, thank the left wing of the Democratic Party for that path. Obama uses the phoney argument that the US will face a credit downgrade if there is no deal, the deal on the tale could lead to a downgrade, the Credit Agencies wanted a 4 trillion cuts deal, any new deal with be around 1 trillion, Obama states the following myth, “ Keep in mind, if we don’t do that, if we don’t come to an agreement, we could lose our country’s AAA credit rating, not because we didn’t have the capacity to pay our bills -- we do -- but because we didn’t have a AAA political system to match our AAA credit rating. ” What will Obama say when the credit agencies do downgrade the US credit rating, who will he blame, himself have my doubts folks. POTUS stated the following at the end of his remarks, “ But as I said earlier, we are now running out of time. It’s important for everybody to step up and show the leadership that the American people expect .” That is rich coming from Obama, his showed lack of leadership by not listening to the US voter when it come to ObamaCare, time for the Republicans to keep their word and cut government, even if this leads to default, time to see the real world for Obama and Democrats.

The House Blog

The Hill: Read the live blog from the Hill, it could be a long time folks, very long night. Made for political geeks.

US House of Representatives

HofR: Check out who voted for the Boehner Plan and who didn’t , this is a make or break vote for the Speaker folks, needs at 217 House members to support him, lets see what happens folks.

Watch Live folks = The House:

Boehner Plan and the House Vote

BBC News: Reports that the expected House of Representatives vote on the Boehner debt ceiling plan has been delayed. At the end of the day folks the Republicans in the House have to support their Speaker, once the Bill is passed by the House then the Republicans in the Senate can play hard ball with the Democratic controlled Senate, the Republicans have to make clear that this is it, take or leave it Democrats, if the US goes in to default then it will be the blame of the Democrats.