Sunday, April 06, 2008

Bloggers and Death

New York Times: Can doing a Blog kill you? Must Read of the Day.

Obama Camp

CNN: Reports that the McCain camp is not happy that Obama has not followed his example and disavowed a Radio Talk Show host. Obama it seems is all talk no action, its called a lack of leadership. When McCain saw the attack on Obama he attacked the messenger, Obama has not shown such leadership.

It Starts, The Titanic of the Clinton Campaign

The Boston Globe: It starts slow, the water comes in, slow at first then the water gets heavy and the ship goes down. The above is a Metaphor for the article in the Boston Globe, some in the Clinton Camp can see the light. In other words support Obama.

Super Delegates on the Fence

Washington Post: Interesting article that looks at the way the Super Delegates are going in the Democratic Race, they are on the fence, typical Democrats. Must Read of the Day.


New York Times: A radio talk show host has put the Obama camp on the defensive, he has called Senator John McCain a warmonger, McCain wants the Obama to disavow such attack on him, the one person you cant call that is McCain. A War hero, lets be honest none of the candidates can match McCain when it comes to his War Record. Advice to Obama Camp, send the message out, no such attacks or the person is out.

McCain and the New York Times

New York Times: It seems having failed to create a scandal from his supposed relationship with a Lobbyist, the LIBERAL New York Times, has decided to throw caution to wind and go after McCain's son who is in Iraq. Think Prince Harry in Afghanistan.

Dr Who - Review

The Dr Who News Page: The Doctor is back, with Donna and a hat box, first two great, not sure about the hat box. Also Rose is Back, the heart and soul of Dr Who are back together. Fun and dramatic first show, why do I get the feeling its going to get darker as the series goes on. Also it is reported that Dr Who was the most watched programme on BBC 1 even with its early start.