Friday, July 20, 2012

Obama's Chicago Attacks - Obama Advert

Lets Get Real:

This is a typical Chicago attack advert folks, none of the allegations are illegal, its like if President Obama is asking Romney if he has ever been a communist, and he has to prove that he has not done anything illegal. This is the gutter politics of Chicago, the US voter in 2008 voted for hope and change, and what are they getting, an advert that Richard Nixon would have been proud off, its that low folks, it shows that President Obama can not defend his own record, if the election is about Obama he will lose, thus these allegations, SHAME ON YOU MR PRESIDENT.

Making IT in the US - Romney Advert

Lets Get Real:

This is a great advert, allows a REAL businessman to challenge President Obama as to who builds a business, also it should go down well with blue collar old Reagan Democrats in the swing States. This is the 2nd political gaffe by President Obama, he needs to rest up more, and think about his statements, as noted in my twitter feed, he could be making mistakes that he would not have done in 2008 due to the total campaign mode he is in, need for rest and more strategic thinking from the Oval.

Obama in OWN WORDS - Romney Advert

Lets Get Real:

This is a great advert folks, as it shows what POTUS really thinks about business, in view of President Obama it is the STATE that is the most important fact in the development of business, not those that spend hours thinking about creating a business, then working all God's hours to make it successful, then having to deal with the up and downs of being in business. Let President Obama undo himself, there is a God and he is a Republican.

Syrian Refugees - Syrian Crisis

BBC News: Reports that the violence in Syria has seen thousands of Syrians flee, the article notes that thirty thousand Syrians have left Syria for Lebanon in the past 48 hours.

Lets Get Real:

As the violence increase folks expect the regional countries to find that they have problems with the dealing with the numbers, thus expect demands that the UN come up with a united solution, the Assad Regime must think as long as it is supported by Russian, China and Iran it will not have to leave power. In the case of Russia it needs its warm water Port and its close relationship with the Assad Regime to keep it a power within the region, then Iran needs Assad as it allow Tehran to have influence in Lebanon, and also poke Israel through Syria and Lebanon. This major Civil War could last for months folks, but not years, also as stated if Assad is foolish to use WMD's that would be game changer, is Assad that foolish folks, this blog has its doubts.

Syrian Update - Syrian Crisis

Telegraph: Reports the following from Syria, " Syria's intelligence chief Hisham Bekhtyar had died on Friday morning of wounds " sustained in the recent bombing of the national security team of President Assad.

Lets Get Real:

It seems from the article that the Syrian Army might have pushed the rebels out of sections of Damascus, but the question that has to be asked is how long the national security structure of the Assad can last. It can be postulated that those still loyal to the Assad Regime will be asking themselves what happens to them should Assad fall, they do not want to be on the wrong side of history. The news out of Damascus is confusing, it is hard to say who has the upper hand at this moment, the big question that has to be asked is will the Assad Regime use chemical weapons on its own people, thus far the West has kept out, but the use of WMD would be a major game changer, it could be close call by Assad, it could keep him in power or rush to his exit one way or another, the next few hours and days will be interesting folks.

Obama vs. Romney - The Polls

Rasmussen Reports ( LV ): Reports on its daily tracking poll of the match up between POTUS and Governor Romney, today President Obama leads Governor Romney by 47% to 46%, a 1% lead.

Gallup ( RV ): Reports on its daily tracking poll of the match up between POTUS and Governor Romney, today they are tied at 46%.

Bonus Poll

CBS News/NYT ( RV ): This poll in essence shows a tie, with Governor Romney on 47%. while President Obama is on 46%.

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks after a few weeks of real dirty pool by both sides we have a tie, neither the Obama Campaign or the Romney Camp should be jumping for joy, on return for investment the Obama Camp would fail, they have spent millions on negative adverts and they are keeping steady, they are not losing, while Romney has not used the political problems of Obama to define Obama as a tax and spend liberal. Lets see who Romney picks for his VP, lets hope its an attack dog, the Republicans needs a attack dog to go after the Democrats.