Friday, July 20, 2012

Syrian Update - Syrian Crisis

Telegraph: Reports the following from Syria, " Syria's intelligence chief Hisham Bekhtyar had died on Friday morning of wounds " sustained in the recent bombing of the national security team of President Assad.

Lets Get Real:

It seems from the article that the Syrian Army might have pushed the rebels out of sections of Damascus, but the question that has to be asked is how long the national security structure of the Assad can last. It can be postulated that those still loyal to the Assad Regime will be asking themselves what happens to them should Assad fall, they do not want to be on the wrong side of history. The news out of Damascus is confusing, it is hard to say who has the upper hand at this moment, the big question that has to be asked is will the Assad Regime use chemical weapons on its own people, thus far the West has kept out, but the use of WMD would be a major game changer, it could be close call by Assad, it could keep him in power or rush to his exit one way or another, the next few hours and days will be interesting folks.

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